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Don Zella in ‘hot soup’, Speke Apartments drags her to the U.S Embassy over fake Dollar Notes

Speke Apartments has dragged city socialite Sheila Nandege popularly known as Don Zella to the United States Embassy in Kampala to be investigated over allegations of being in deals that circulate counterfeit dollars in the country.

In letter received by the American Embassy and written by the Ruparelia Group head of security Ahmed Bongo, informed the embassy of a recent matter reported at Jinja road police station where Don Zella had complained to a break in to a hotel apartments at Speke Apartments where she allegedly lost up to USD 90,000.

“As you will see on your own investigations, she did not seem eager to follow up with police on this matter and never asked on the state of the said American currency”

He adds “As CCTV footage exits and can be availed pointing to lkely connivance between the said Nadege Sheilla and the principal suspect in the CCTV footage, police effected an arrest of the principle suspect in the CCTV footage”.

Bongo explains that on arrest , the suspect was found with up to USD 80000 in counterfeit American currency and European Union currencies.

“The exhibits are still at Jinja road police and Sheilla Nadege is still at large with indications that she is likely to leave the country soon. It appears evident that there is an international racket inclusive of the arrested suspect and the said Don Zella dealing in counterfeit USD and EU currencies”

The petition from the management of Speke Apartments to the U.S embassy as it reads.

Ruparelia Group wants the American Embassy to interest itself in the prospect of the international racket dealing in counterfeit currencies and thus pursue the matter to its logical conclusion.

The European Union and the financial intelligence authority have also been notified.

The petition comes after Don Zella filed a case at Jinja Road Police Station claiming that some people had broken into her room and stolen money amounting to $80,000, two laptops and other valuable materials while she was staying at Speke Apartments Wampewo during the festive season.

However, when the police conducted investigations and arrested one of the prime suspects identified as Jerome Adome, they were stunned when they recovered counterfeit U.S dollars amounting to USD80,000.

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