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PETER KATUSABE: Open Letter to NUP Principal Bobi Wine

Your Excellency,

Allow me extend my warmst greetings to you Mr President. Good morning? Extend my greetings to my sister Barbra Itungo and give her our royal greetings ( waramutse mushikyi wangye?, Muraho neeza? Mwihangane Kandi mukurikye urugamba? ) This is only for the readers comfortable with kinyarwanda, but it’s a heroic greeting.

Mr President, I congratulate you upon going through the presidential election struggle, traversing 140 districts and gannering about 3.6M votes. In other small countries of East Africa like Rwanda and Burundi, this was already enough margin to take you to statehouse, unfortunately in Uganda, you needed perhaps another 2.5M votes to clinch 6M votes and directly enter Entebbe state house without going through supreme Court of the defiant Owinyi Dolo or even returning the case to public court in our bars, markets and cinema Halls.

Mr President, as you will recall our vist to your magere palace on numerous occasions both last year and proceeding year, we had counted huge expectations on tapping support from the young new voters voting for the first time. These were about 4M additional on the NVR. We agreed on the funa endagga muntu campaign with the sole aim of ensuring young people come out to vote massively and overwhelm justice Byabakama with great margin which he would feel shy to cheat in eyes of international community. However Mr President, this did not turn out the way we had anticipated.

The young people were instead diverted and swayed by the yellow envelopes and sold the struggle. In Bunyoro where I operated, all the coordinators from Mr Tinkasimire, Mr Akugizibwe and Mr Angalia eventually all left the umbrella and boarded the yellow bus making a huge blow on all the strategies we had made earlier on to infiltrate Bunyoro and gain 50% with Kagadi and Hoima acting as epicentres of the red revolution.

Mr President the defection of the regional coordinators demoralized the youth we had set in sub-county clusters and the invasion of Gen Kyanda and afande Nalweiso broke the last structures that survived. The betrayal of the struggle was worst experienced in Bunyoro and Northern Uganda than in any other parts of the country. Perhaps this explains why NUP never won any single slot in these two populated regions that would have handed you 2M extra votes on the already 2M in Buganda.

The narrative of our elder commander Kizza Warren Besigye that Museveni could never be defeat by ballot has indeed come to pass the test of time. Hitherto, the NUP honchos convinced us that Besigye was simply a mole and not serious. I think we need to admit that the old colonel from Rwakabengo was not a mole but rather a tested revolutionary cadre who knew Mr Musevens moves every day every second every hour.

Therefore your Excellency, the overwhelming win in Buganda alone could not enable us to go to statehouse and govern with only 60 MPS in the house of representatives totaling 550. In any case your government would be futile and you would be impeached with in the first 100 days Mr President. Even if you chose to appoint all your mps ministers, you would still borrow another 20 from other parties to fill ugandas huge cabinet of 80. Your Excellency you would therefore remain without members of parliament on the floor to debate but rather have only executive.

A look at the local government and SIGs indicate our mighty NUP brand party never got 10% of the LCV and LCIIIs. This is another loophole that could affect service delivery in local government if at all you had been declared president.

In other words, Mr Bobi wine we lost presidential election badly not even close to winning like your namesis Nelson Chamisa of Zimbabwe who was rigged by Emerson Mnangagwa.

From a look at the Bunyoro predicament alone, Mr President the rest of the regions of uganda other than buganda and Busoga did not welcome your presidential bid.

NUP as earlier predicted rather remained an affair of buganda kingdom ( Kabaka yekka) with Betty Nambooze and Owek Lubega Medad Segona singing ekitiibwa Kya buganda nokuzza Bbuganda Kuntiko. The rest of the communities in Uganda therefore remained cagy about NUP and eventually the hitherto opposition strong districts of Rukungiri and Kasese flipped back to Mzee wa kaazi Tibuhaburwa thus adding him another 5 years.

The objective of this open letter Mr President is therefore to clearly tell you the truth that the country is very divided on ethinic grounds with the rest of uganda against Buganda. This is historical as far as pre independence period on the formation of UNC and DP and the KY UPC marriage of convinience.

Therefore after declaring YK MUSEVENI as validly elected president of Uganda for 2021-2026 and your subsequent withdraw of the Electoral petition from Supreme Court, you humbly admitted that the old man from Rwakitura had defeated us 3:1 with most of our senior players like Eddy Mutwe and Nubian Li red-carded in the second half. The referee justice Byabakama with linesmen Martin ochola and Gen Lokech, DG ISO, CMI and ESO directors with the entire senior management of UPDF and UPF did the best work to ensure their Chief executive Gen Yoweri Museveni is again at the helm of leadership of the Pearl of Africa.

With this serious infrastructure and financial muscle of Gen Museveni, your Excellency there was no single way we could have won this election.

Your clerical call for National wide protests is therefore baseless, selfish and without case prima facie. There is no victory that our mighty party won outside Buganda. Mr President demonstrations that occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan were facilitated by Nationalism of the Arabs and unity of interests which is a very different situation in Uganda where every tribe is a separate state with in Uganda with Buganda always leading cesation talk and being independent of other kingdoms.

Therefore uniting Uganda from Nakapiripiriti to kisoro, Busia to Kasese will just be an uphill task for you Mr President in your call for National wide demonstrators.

I beg you to peacefully accept defeat and appoint Leader of opposition and steer cooperation in IPOD to ensure Gen Museveni commitment on releasing our political detainees under court martial is expeditiously done and the young men and women under trumped up charges are released immediately to join their families and we can organize for a 2026 come back probably competing with my brother and friend Gen Muhoozi Keinerugaba, Or His highness Odrek or Rt Hon Rabecca Kadaaga depending on what CEC will recommend in 2025.

I wish you the best of 2021 and hopefully you recieve this letter in good faith and reflect on my long submission before you get embarrassed for mobilising a botched National wide demonstration and it only happens in Kampala Wakiso and Mukono as usual and hear no progress in the rest of the upcountry including my Rural District of Kagadi, Bunyoro Western Uganda where I fore see no single youth going on street to reclaim your sacarstic victory.

Thank you very much, am sorry if this letter rubs you the wrong way, but I’m not simply a social media fun of NUP but an ardent mobiliser of People Power revolution who has been in and out of prison on several occasions to make people power relevant even though I never get support from you sir to meet my legal bills nor comfort me during incomviniences. I’m there fore your practical comrade based on the ground and not on Facebook and Twitter but deeply rooted in the local population.

Apparently, let’s work with the NRM leadership and give his Excellency YKMuseven the opportunity to serve one of his last terms as we prepare season two, your Excellency.

God bless you, God bless Uganda.

From one of your pioneer recruit, Junior Peter Katusabe Amooti The iron youth, People Power movement,
Bunyoro Chapter
Kagadi District
Ruteete Town Council
Represented by the Hon Barnabas Tinkasimire
(Pioneer People Power coordinator) Bunyoro region.

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