The need and the urge for sex are inborn in every person in this world and because of it, we decided to create a list of the most sexually active countries in Africa.
Have you ever wondered why in some countries people have more sex compared to other? Even though we are living in the 21st century, there are still countries where sex is considered to be a sin if it is outside of marital bed. This is influencing people not to have sex until they get married and remain virgins until their 20s or even 30s. Despite this, the weather has a huge impact on your mood as well. During extreme temperatures, people are avoiding sex, especially when it is extremely hot.
Below is the list of the top 10 most sexually active countries in Africa.
1. Burkina Faso | Birth Rate: 42.42
People who live in Burkina Faso are very sexually active, and regardless of how good that is, it has its bad sides as well. The more people sexually active and uninformed, the more people affected by HIV.
Back in 2015, the approximate number of people who are living with HIV in Burkina Faso was 95,000; the total population in this country is 18.11 million.
Considering the statistics, it is no wonder why Burkina Faso found its way on top of our list of most sexually active countries in Africa.
2. Cameroon | Birth Rate: 36.58
Even though the percentage of people who are using condoms in Cameroon isn’t that bad, young people in this country are still shunning to use protection.
This action leads to increasing HIV rate. In 1989, the HIV rate in Cameroon among people at the age of 15 to 45 was 0.5 while in 2001 it was 11.8.
The total population of Cameroon is 23.34 million and approximately 620,000 people are living with HIV. Back in 2015, there were 33,000 deaths related to AIDS.
3. Uganda | Birth Rate: 44.17
According to Durex’s survey that we mentioned above, Uganda is not only among most sexually active countries in Africa but one of the most sexually satisfied in the whole world.
However, on the bad side, from the total population of 43 million in Uganda, 1.5 million people are living with HIV. Back in 2015, there were 83,000 new HIV infections and 28,000 AIDS-related deaths. These numbers are pretty high, and only 57% of adults are on antiretroviral treatment.
4. Gabon | Birth Rate: 34.64
90,000 Gabonese adolescents at the age of 15 to 19 years are sexually active. These adolescents are either in a union; married or living together, unmarried and had sex in the last three months.
42.4% of the unmarried adolescent girls are currently sexually active while the percentage of active boys is 45.1%.
75.1% of adolescents who are in a union aren’t using any protection while the percent of sexually active and unmarried adolescents who aren’t using protection as well is 39.4. The total population of Gabon is 1.725 million, and the number of people who are living with HIV is 46,000.
5. Zambia | Birth Rate: 42.46
Zambia is one of the most sexually active countries in Africa but considering the fact that more than 50% of the young people do not use condoms is alarming. There are 16.21 million people who live in Zambia, and around 1.2 million are living with HIV.
Back in 2015, there were 60,000 new HIV infections and 20,000 AIDS-related deaths. There aren’t many people who are taking unprotected sex seriously especially adolescents which is leading to increased STD rates. In 2015, there were 63% adults on antiretroviral treatment.
6. Senegal
Birth Rate: 35.09
In Senegal, the number of women who want to remain virgins is increasing. Women are having sex in their 20s, unlike their mothers who used to have sex at the age of 16 years. In Senegal, men are more active compared to women. Even though women in Senegal want to wait before having sex for the first time, this country it is still one of the most sexually active countries in Africa.
When it comes to HIV rate, 0.9% of the Senegal citizens are living with HIV which is 61,000 people considering the fact that the total population of the country is 15.13 million.
7. Nigeria | Birth Rate: 38.03
Nigeria is not only one of the most sexually active countries in the world, but one of the most sexually satisfied as well. This information was also confirmed by one of the biggest condom manufactures, Durex. They had a survey in which saw that Nigerians are spending at least 24 minutes during intercourse.
On the other side, from the total population of 182.2 million people, 3.2 million are living with HIV. 51% of the affected adults are on antiretroviral treatment, and there were about 180,000 AIDS-related deaths back in 2015.
8. São Tomé and Principe | Birth Rate: 35.12
The total population in Sao Tome and Principe counts 190,344 people, out of which 1,400 people are living with HIV/AIDS. Back in 2012, there were around 100 deaths connected with HIV/AIDS. When it comes to adolescents, there are around 7,600 adolescents at the age of 15-19 that are currently sexually active. Some of them are in a union, some are unmarried and had sex in the last three months.
77.8% of adolescents that are in a union in Sao Tome and Principe aren’t using contraception while the percentage of adolescents who aren’t using contraception and are unmarried is 53.6. Now, let’s see what’s up next on the list of most sexually active countries in Africa.
9. The Republic of Congo | Birth Rate: 36.59
Over three million adolescents at the age of 15 to 19, in the Republic of Congo, are sexually active. While we are talking about this, we should also mention that 60.3% of unmarried but sexually active adolescents aren’t using contraception.
When it comes to those who are in a union, 87.5% of them aren’t using any protection. The Republic of Congo is also known among people as the “Rape Capital of the World” because 1,152 women are raped every day. Back in 2014, the number of HIV/AIDS-related deaths was 4,400.
10. Tanzania | Birth Rate: 36.82
According to “Sexual practices among unmarried adolescents in Tanzania” we can see that men are more sexually active than women. Adolescents are having multiple sexual partners in Tanzania, but the condom use is pretty low.
Considering these statistics, we should also say that there out of 53.47 million people in Tanzania, 1.4 million people are living with HIV. 53% of the adults who have HIV are on antiretroviral treatment while there were 36,000 AIDS-related deaths in 2015.
This 10 Most Sexually Active Countries in Africa first appeared on
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