OPINION: Places of worship have been closed down and zeroed to nothing all in the name of safety. They are under persecution by people in authority who have turned away from the good old ways. These politicians are dancing to the tune of the devil’s agenda.
During one of his ministrations, Prophet Elvis Mbonye shared with the congregants that what is at stake now is way bigger than the whole Covid situation. It is something much more pronounced – a global agenda to stifle the operations of the church. For this reason, I urge every Christian to choose life over death and faith over fear because God never loses so life will defeat death and faith will defeat fear at the end of it all.
We all have plans and it takes time for them to be accomplished and so does God:
Psalms 33:11 (NIV) But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever. The purposes of His heart through all generations.
As Christians, we are God’s workmanship which implies that we are one with Him-His vision is our vision and so is His cause. Therefore, if we stand together in love and unity as a church then we shall be able to restrain the prevailing darkness from running rampant and eventually we shall live a life according to God’s purpose for us.
God’s plan for man is very clear:
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
All of us should rest assured that our lives have a great future and because of this, we should live according to the way God has purposed for us to live – by standing strong and firm in faith which is the only thing that pleases God. We also ought to understand that until we swallow our pride and repent of a culture that dishonors the anointing, the Lord will not heal our land for the Lord has called us out from darkness into the light to serve him. Therefore, our cause should be to advance the agenda of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Time is an invaluable resource, however, what is more profound is the way time is used. We spend our time with family, work, and studies, among others. Are we really spending our time with God and living the way He expects us to?
The writer is a member of the National Christian Students Association.
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