
BEN SSEBUGUZI: Warehouse Receipt System Improves the Value of our Exports

MONEY & BUSINESS: Uganda’s coffee prices usually fall during auction due to poor quality, with lower-grade beans accounting for around 60 percent of the amount on offer. The supply of our top grade AA and A coffee often decline when we have poor infrastructure like silos and warehouses which are substandard and among others.

Uganda Warehouse Receipt System Authority is mandated under sec.4 & 5 of the warehouse receipt system Act,2006 to licence storage facilities, licence storage keepers and handlers at warehouses (weighers, samplers & graders, licence storage inspectors and to issue negotiable warehouse receipts by:

Investigating the storage and classifying it according to grade Upon application by any person applying for a license to operate a warehouse under this Act.

At anytime with or without application,to inspect or cause to be inspected all storage facilities licensed under the Act.

To determine whether storage facilities for which licences are applied for or have been issued under this Act are suitable for the proper storage of intended goods.

To classify storage facilities licensed or applying for a license in accordance with ownership, location, surrounding, capacity, conditions and other qualities.

Upon application,to issue to any storage facility keeper a license for the conduct of a storage facility in accordance with this Act and regulations.

To prescribe, within the limitations of this Act,the duties of the warehouse keepers conducting warehouses licensed under this Act with respect to their care and responsibility for goods stored

To provide guidelines and standards for the suitability for the proper storage of goods

To suspend or revoke a license issued to warehouse keeper for any contravention of or failure to comply with any provision of the Act.

To charge, asses and collect fees for every examination or inspection of storage facility and issue of licences

To examine all books, records, papers and accounts storage facilities.

To borrow for purposes of carrying out these functions

To issue negotiable warehouse receipts (hard and electronic

To close the premises of warehouse keeper who operates without a valid licence and to carry out any other activity.

With this mandate of warehouse authority,you can be well assured that the quality and standard of our agricultural commodities will be very well maintained which helps us to negotiate for higher prices at local and global markets hence making our agricultural commodities very competitive.

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The author; Ben Ssebuguzi is an economist and entrepreneur.


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