
PICTORIAL: Kampala Parents registers massive turn up as school fully reopens for physical classes

Kampala Parents School Pupils assemble for a group photo, with Masks and Social Distancinng observed

EDUCATION: It was a jovial mood on Monday, as Kampala Parents School (KPS), the leading private mixed primary school in the city welcomed back hundreds of pupils as the school finally reopened for learners in all classes.

The Naguru-based school, whose admissions are still open for Pre-primary and Primary classes said authorities have worked hard to make sure that sure the reopening of the school provides a strong, affirmative and healthy learning environment for all learners.

Upon arrival, all the staff and pupils were mandated to have face masks put on, and all were subject to undergo temperature screening while the furniture inside the classes were properly rearranged for social distancing. This, the school said is set to be the norm until otherwise if the Covid-19 pandemic ceases to exist no more.

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“Our bell is ringing loud and clear. ? ? Holiday is over, School is here. Welcome back to school! We hope everyone is having fun today and we wish all the best!” the school accompanied the photos posted via its socials.

Among the pupils welcomed back at Kampala Parents included musicians Fellista de Superstar (@felistadisuperstar) and Fresh Kid, who showed the urge to resume classes straight away.

The School Principal, Mrs. Daphine Kato said both teachers and staff worked hard to get ready for students to return school and assured that the school will be following and implementing all government reopening guidelines and measures.

These, according to Mrs. Kato include putting up health and safety posters in schools, requiring masks for all pupils and staff, enhanced cleaning, ensuring social distancing, and improving handwashing facilities. She said new measures require that classrooms to have appropriate physical distance between learners will also be implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19.

KPS, one of the pioneer schools to offer online classes during the covid-19 lockdown that hit the education sector said the virtual classes will still continue to exist alongside the now-resumed physical classes in a hybrid-learning environment.

It should be noted that in his end of year message to the country, H.E President Museveni announced that schools will reopen for all learners countrywide on Monday, January 10, 2022, and urged school proprietors and teachers to ensure that children are safe and protected from any possible contraction of the deadly coronavirus disease.

Kampala parents’ school, an international level that follows a local curriculum is situated along lugogo by-pass and has an enrollment of over 2500 pupils with 118 well-trained teachers and over 150 non-teaching staff members. The pupils come from all over the world.

The school has been and will continue to be an academic hub of Uganda because of the balanced curriculum offered. The school mission is “To facilitate first-class education and civilization to children with and from outside Uganda with the hope that there will be a better world community tomorrow.”

Notably, the school’s academic performance is at the required standard and this is because of the well-trained staff members who are talented in handling and disciplining pupils a key to success as evidenced by the good performance for many consecutive years.

For inquiries on how to join Kampala Parents School, contact their Admissions Office on Tel: 0752711911/ 0752711914 / 0752711792 Plot No.17 -25 Saddler way, Naguru

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