It is virtuous for one to say “thank you” in return for anything good done, or received. This can be done; by expressing words of appreciation verbally, or by writing a letter, and by presenting a gift. Perhaps, these are mutual and usual.
However, one can also express his appreciation; by doing what is expected of and becoming what is expected of. Of course things expected to be done should be positive, and what one is expected of becoming should also be positive: being someone of high value.
Borrowing a leaf from some of the sayings notably the ‘Bakiga’ saying: “entasiima ebuura owagiha” literally meaning, ” he who does not appreciate, does not receive again”. Because of this, even people who may notably say “thank you” by word, or letter, or present a gift; indirectly should still appreciate, and in such a way. Those to appreciate, or thank include; God, parents, benefactors, teachers, friends, and employers (can be an individual, an organization, or an institution.
Firstly, God is to be appreciated; for He is pivotal for our living, and whatever we do. Without Him we are nothing. And so Him being the source of everything; we may not satisfactorily thank Him by just saying ‘thank you’ by word, or presenting gifts (offertory), but rather fulfilling the purpose for why He created us ( to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him), and among many; we achieve this by doing His will; for instance, doing works of charity: feeding the hungry, helping the needy, among others.
It is more so achieved by following His commandments; summed up with the two greatest ones: ” you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your mind, soul, and with all your strength; you shall love your neighbour as yourself” ( Matthew 22: 36-40). To condense it; our desires, thoughts, plans, words, and actions, should be for the glory of God, and loving our neighbours as ourselves; is noted well in Matthew 7:12, “do for others what you would want them to do for you”; therefore, be good and do good to your neighbour.
Parents take the second position; them being co-creators. Sirach 7:27-28 ‘Honour your father, and never forget the labor pains of your mother; remember you owe your life to them; what will you ever repay back, for all they have done for you?”.Therefore, having been born by our parents; a mere “thank you”, or presenting a gift, would not be equivalent to what they should be appreciated with. Because of this, doing what they expect, and becoming what they expect from us; will explicitly portray our appreciation to them. For instance, every parent would love to see a successful and responsible son or daughter in life having educated and fostered them; besides, a parent would more so want to be proud of his child: a child who is her or his source of happiness, peace, respect, among others regardless of their age. And so, by having such children, they feel appreciated. However, many of us ignore all these virtues and wait till we start earning( presumably after studies for those who make it) because we want to present gifts: building good houses, among others. Because of this, I presume many parents pass away without experiencing any appreciation of their children. But still we have to bear it in mind that before we even finish studies, or grow mature; we should be appreciating them, and there is no way other than being good children, that is doing what is expected, and becoming what we are expected to be. ‘No parent will complain because the son or daughter has not built a good house for him or her when he is ever happy, peaceful, and comfortable with the son’; by the fact that the son is a good child, the parents live with hope and satisfaction that at one day the house, or more good things will be achieved. In fact , a parent would love to be in his or her moderate house when is happy, and proud of his son or daughter than be in a mansion when is unhappy, peaceless, restless because of his son or daughter.
Similarly, to benefactors, guardians, friends, and teachers; would feel more appreciated by seeing those they support become successful. A benefactor needs non other than seeing progress in whatever he or she will be supportive. More so, they feel appreciated when they see those they support doing what is expected: doing well in studies, above all making progress in life. A teacher too, would feel more appreciated by seeing his or her students succeed both in academics and life, and so to the administration.
Lastly, to the employers; saying ‘thank you’ or presenting a gift because of having been employed: would be unworthy other than doing what the employer expects, and becoming what is expected, say being responsible. Every employer would love to have a commited worker: who does his or her work devotedly with progress. Therefore, to appreciate any employer, one needs to be a good worker, and more so, do what the employer would expect to be done. An employer feels more appreciated if he fails to find out some worker to kick out from work, since all he or she needs will be moving on as expected. However, as the employee does his or her work has to put ” do for others what you would want them do for you” in mind.
In summary, saying “thank you” or presenting a gift: is not bad, in fact, it is splendid, but however, before coming to that; a foundation should be set firmly, that is by doing what we are expected of, and becoming what we are expected of.
Not only this will act as an appreciation but also will prevent us from compulsive behaviors, and gives everyone a chance regardless of status, to be appreciative.
The author is; Eudecious Ainomugisha,
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