
270 Graduate at Lubega Institute of Nursing, Kyabazinga rallies parents to support them for further studies

The courses awarded the Institute’s second graduation included nursing, midwifery, laboratory techniques, records and information management, and pharmacy, among others.

Some of the Graduates at Lubega Institute of Nursing pose for a group photo after getting conferred their certificate awards. (All Photos: Isabirye SimonPeter)

IGANGA, UGANDA: Over 270 students on Thursday graduated with certificates in various medical courses at Lubega Institute of Nursing and medical sciences situated at Busei village, Nakalama sub-county in Iganga district.

The courses awarded at the Institute’s second graduation included nursing, midwifery, laboratory techniques, records and information management, and pharmacy, among others.

The graduation ceremony was commissioned by His Majesty the Kyabazinga of Busoga William Wilberforce Gabula Nadiope Kadumbula IV who rallied parents to support their children in furthering their studies.

“With parents, I congratulate you for having both the foresight and the insight to educate your children. Despite the challenging economic hardships, I urge you to keep on supporting and guiding these children until when they are in position to stand on their own,” Kyabazinga rallied.

Kyabazinga and ED of the institute, Dr. Lubega in graduation attire

The Kyabazinga also called on parents not to abandon their children given the constitution which places them at a mature status but instead encourage them in advancing academically to fit into the competitive job market through furthering their studies.

“Please don’t abandon them simply because they have graduated at Lubega Institute of Nursing and health professionals, instead encourage them to further their studies, advancing academically to fit into the competitive job market,” Kyabazinga Gabula who is also the chancellor of the institute said.

Kyabazinga seated with other officials at the ceremony

The Kyabazinga also applauded the principal and proprietor of the institute Prof Dr. Muhammad Lubega Kisambira for the efforts to promote Busoga academically by establishing the institute which has seen other sister institutes like Lugazi School of Nursing in Lugazi Municipality, Buikwe District.

“Therefore, when we get a professional and a patriotic scholar like Prof Lubega establishing an Institute here, we greatly cherish his endeavors because he is promoting our ancestors’ dream and vision of Busoga,” Kyabazinga commended.

“As already observed by the executive director, this institute is a development partner of the kingdom and the surrounding areas, the establishment of the main campus here at Busei has greatly contributed to the educational and social development of not only this area but Busoga in general,” Kyabazinga added.

A section of graduands taking oaths of professionalism

However, the Prime Minister of Busoga Kingdom, Dr. Joseph Muvawala Nsekere who among others accompanied the Kyabazinga commended Dr Lubega for establishing the institute and said that a lot has been invested by him for the good of Busoga.

He urged people to always support whoever invests in Busoga and rallied all people in Busoga to invest in their motherland.
“Thank you so much for investing in Busoga. I call upon everyone here to learn from Dr Lubega and you also invest here in Busoga. When we all do that, then Busoga will not be poor,” Dr Muvawala appealed.

Some Members of Parliament pose for a photo with the Kyabazinga after the graduation function.

The executive director of the institute who doubles as the first deputy premier Busoga kingdom, Prof Dr Muhammad Lubega Kisambira revealed that he has at least offered 101 bursaries to children in Busoga through partnership with Busoga kingdom and he cited that about 31 students who are beneficiaries of the bursaries were part of the graduates.

Dr Lubega advised the graduates to strive and be the best out of the best. He urged them not to let failure thinking reign over them but focus on success. He also advised them to operate from anywhere instead of aiming at urban areas alone thinking that it’s only where success can be attained.

“Go down in the society among the disadvantaged and help them. Do not be tempted that succeeding in your profession you must go to Kampala or other urban areas, go to your areas and establish and make your name and your life,” Dr Lubega said.

“Finally, be ambitious and focussed to your goal, never let challenges of failure make you think that you cannot succeed. Don’t even let others make you think you can’t succeed, you will succeed by the might and grace of Allah,” Dr Lubega added.

Kyabazinga (with a black mask), on his immediate left, is Dr. Lubega, and far left is Dr. Muvawala.

The third deputy prime minister of Uganda and the woman member of parliament Mayuge district, Hon Rukia Isanga Nakadama urged the graduates to be disciplined wherever they go and avoid misbehaving against patients and pregnant mothers.
“Try and show discipline in the health centers where you’re going and refute the saying that nurses and midwives are known for abusing mothers, slapping, before working them. Please show discipline and depict a good image of the institution,” Minister Nakadama said.

Minister Nakadama commended parents for sending girl children to school. This was evident according to the number of girls among the graduates.
“I want to thank the parents, especially for bringing the girl children to this institution because I can see very many here. I also thank you for educating boys but especially girls since sometimes end up as mere house wives without any qualifications,” Ms Nakadama commended.

The graduation ceremony attracted among others, officials from the kingdom like the Royal chiefs and ministers, central government like the permanent secretary Ministry of Gender, Labour and social development Mr Aggrey David Kibenge, politicians like Hon MPs, Sauda Kauma Alibaawo (woman MP Iganga), Eng. Hon Luke Kyobe Inyensiko (Luuka North), Hon Kisa Stephen Bakubalwayo (Luuka South), Hon Mariam Naigaga (Namutumba WMP) , Hon David Isabirye Aga from Jinja and local leaders.

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