
Police speak out on Gen. Kulayigye’s remarks on insecurity in Wakiso

The video that has since gone viral shows Kulayigye pinpointing a case where a mother, house help, and daughters were allegedly attacked and raped at their home in Wakiso.

ASP Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy Spokesperson (Photo/File)

KAMPALA, UGANDA: Police in Kampala Metropolitan has finally opened up on a video clip about remarks from Defence Spokesperson Brig. Gen Felix Kulayigye over rising cases of insecurity in Wakiso Municipality.

The video that has since gone viral on social media shows Kulayigye pinpointing a case where a mother, house help, and daughters were allegedly attacked and raped at their home in Wakiso.

Responding to the remarks from the Brigadier General, ASP Luke Owoyesigyire, the KMP deputy spokesperson clarified that police in Wakiso had not reported or registered any of such instances as claimed.

“We would like to categorically say that the team at Wakiso has never registered any incident where all victims of the robbery were raped,” Owoyesigyire said in a Friday statement, before adding that “If there is any incident of rape that happened during a robbery and the victims did not report it, they should reach out to our Gender-Based Violence desk at Wakiso or CID headquarters.”

According to Owoyesigyire, Kulayigye while appearing on the same program mentioned another incident of a robbery where he alleged that a suspect was brought to Police and the Officer-in-charge refused to book him and released him. This according to him is false and the information might have been distorted to relay wrong information to the public.

“These allegations are false. It is true that the local community working with a UPDF officer brought in a suspect on 12/04/2022 who had been injured by an angry mob,” the KMP deputy publicist stressed.

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Owoyesigyire noted that the suspect who was later identified as Seviri Rogers 27 years, a resident of Ssala Village, Wakiso town council broke into the house of Ndooli Christopher and stole money amounting to 700,000 Ugandan shillings.

However, when he (Seviri) was brought to the station, the DPC decided that the suspect be given first aid before being put in Police custody as he had been severely beaten, and he taken to Bulamu Health Care (Wakiso health centre IV) where he received treatment and was later brought back into Police custody.

Luke Owoyesigyire said that the suspect’s file was prepared and will be forwarded to the Resident State Attorney on Tuesday for Perusal and advice while the suspect remains in police custody.

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“We appeal to residents of Wakiso Municipality to always liaise with the local Police in order to report any officer that neglects duty and if that fails the Regional Police is always available to intervene at Kampala Metropolitan North,” he added.

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