
What Victoria University’s Newly Acquired Charter means to the institution

Victoria University Kampala last week finally attained its charter as an institution of higher learning in Uganda joining 10 other private universities at the same level of accreditation status.

The exciting development was shared by Victoria University Vice Chancellor Dr. Lawrence Muganga in a tweet on Tuesday last week with a letter from the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) inviting the institution to the official charter handover ceremony which will take place on Friday 19th August 2022 the Council Secretariat.

“Finally Victoria University CHARTER is here. If you have loved to pursue meaningful education, feel free to come to @VUKampala. In a special way, I thank HE President @KagutaMuseveni, Hon. Minister & First Lady @JanetMuseveni & @NCHEuganda,”Dr. Muganga said in a tweet yesterday.

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In a 16th August , 2022 letter, the NCHE Executive Director Prof. Mary J.N.Okwakol said, President Museveni signed the Charter for Victoria University on 31st July 2022.

“The National Council for Higher Education, as a practice, would like to officially handover the charter to Victoria University. The purpose of this letter is to invite you and your team to an official handover of the Charter at a ceremony scheduled to take place on Friday 19th August, 2022 at NCHE Secretariat at 11:00am,”Prof.Okwakol said.

According to the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act, a charter is “granted by the President as evidence that the university meets the requirements and standards of academic excellence set by the NCHE.”

Furthermore, according to section 103(a) of the same Act 2001 as amended; a chartered university means a university that is comparable to a public university.

For any private university like Victoria, getting a charter means, therefore, that it lays out guidelines for; establishment, control, management and administration of the institution.

Currently, Uganda has more than 60 universities, Whereas eight of these are public universities run by the government, more than 50 of these are private, military and the others in the category of degree awarding institutions.

About Victoria University:

Victoria University is the leading University in Uganda and East Africa when it comes to offering Experiential and Work Integrated Learning (WIL). It is determined to produce graduates with employable skills and capacity to creatively employ themselves. They do this by providing meaningful, hands-on workplace experience to enrich theoretical learning. Victoria University’s work integrated learning program  enablesstudents to complete a program of three years with at least 2-3 years’ work experience with its partner organizations and Companies.

The University was openned in 2013 and is centrally located in the heart of Kampala city and on the main public transportation routes coupled with ample parking space. Victoria University is part of the Ruparelia Group of Companies which has a strong presence in the education sector in Uganda and has under its portfolio, kampala international school of uganda, kampala parents school, Delhi Public School international.

Victoria University is a cosmopolitan university, accredited by the National Council for Higher Education with a wide range of nationalities. With a reputation as the best private ,forward-thinking and modern University in East Africa.

The University offers a vibrant and stimulating environment to further your needs, study or research a subject in greater depth, or aiming to extend your knowledge and skills in pursuit of your career ambition.

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