
70% of farmers in Adjumani are women – Self-Help Africa

Hon Korina Ondoa the secretary for production also pledged support by the district especially her office in supporting the organisation to carry on helping farmers and also encouraged other stakeholders to join hands to continue supporting the farmers.

Some of the farmers demonstrating their produce in Ofua Sub County on Thursday, December 15, 2022 (Photo/David Anyanzo)

ADJUMANI, UGANDA: The different farmer groups in Adjumani district under Self-help Africa on Thursday celebrated a “farmer’s field day” in Ofua sub-county where they demonstrated and sold what they have produced. The major activity that was done was the exhibition of the different types of crops that ranged from soya beans, maize, simsim, cassava, soya bean milk etc. 

The guests present include the secretary for production Adjumani district Hon Ondoa Korina, Local council three Ofua sub county and managers from financial institutions of Equity and centenary bank Adjumani branch.

One of the farmers testifies “We have acquired many trainings in nutrition, bulking, gender champion, store management and food safety post-harvest handling and also linked us to different buyers and financial institutions, we don’t only produce for home consumption but also sell and save to educate our children says Ben Andrumai Edward”.

The local council III chairperson Ofua sub county Hon Dramawi Robert who also doubles as the chairperson of all the local council three chairpersons in the district lauded the organisation for their tremendous work done to the farmers in the district, he said that Ofua alone has been the food basket of the district but Pakele, Ciforo and Itirikwa joined in to support food production and feeding all the people in Adjumani and across to south Sudan. 

Hon Korina Ondoa the secretary for production also pledged support by the district especially her office in supporting the organisation to carry on helping farmers and also encouraged other stakeholders to join hands to continue supporting the farmers.

The project is been funded by World Food Program, the project started in 2017 and has been implemented in both refugees and host communities of Adjumani.  This project is in two districts of Adjumani and Kirayandongo says the project manager for the agricultural support market Madam Aciro Lillian Nancy.”

Lillian also said that they are working with 2082 beneficiaries and 40% are refugees, we operate in 9 refugee settlements, four sub-counties of Pakele, Ciforo, Ofua and Itirikwa, the project comes at the post-production stage which targets women and youths.

Self-help Africa has trained the farmers on bulking, nutrition, gender championship, safe food storage, value additions and linking them to financial institutions. Out of all the farmers, 70% are women who are taking part in farming.

Mr Kenneth Onakaleth, the World Food Program representative lauded the work done by self-help Africa and urged other stakeholders to witness the great work of Self-help Africa. He said the entire world is under the attack of hunger so boosting and enhancing the skills and knowledge of food production will lead to the ending of poverty and hunger in the country.  “This project we are funding through Self-help Africa is zeroed under two areas, integrated water shade project and agricultural and market support projects which focus on improving the productivity of farmer’s produce.

According to the sustainable development goals, number two says that zero hunger, end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

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