Increase Judiciary Budget to achieve 100% of NRM Manifesto by 2026

According to the judiciary, the status of implementation of NRM manifesto commitments and strategic directives and guidelines for the period 2021 to March 2023 report the judiciary has successfully delivered on the following key achievements. 

Felix oketcho

By Felix Oketcho

The Judiciary has registered 90% success in the implementation of NRM Manifesto Commitments as per the strategic directives and guidelines for the period 2021 to match 2023. This makes the institution the top performer among Ministries, Departments and Agencies in implementing NRM Manifesto directives for the period 2021 to 2026.

With 3 years left for MDAs to achieve their targets, it’s imperative that top performers receive budget support to enable them to tackle a few challenges left to deliver adequate services as in point is the judiciary. 

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According to the judiciary, the status of implementation of NRM manifesto commitments and strategic directives and guidelines for the period 2021 to March 2023 report the judiciary has successfully delivered on the following key achievements. 

The Judiciary has put in place remote online adjudication of cases drawing from Covid 19 pandemic by putting in place a video conferencing system to enhance online hearing of cases in all Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court of Kampala, Commercial Division, Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court and 11 High Court Circuits (Mbarara, Arua, Masindi, Masaka, Jinja, Soroti, Lira, Fort Portal, Kabale, Mubende and Mbale) 

Secondly, the Judiciary has managed to put in place the use of ICT evolution to minimise human contact in the delivery of services so as to reduce corruption. 

This has been enhanced by the Electronic Court Case Management System (ECCMIS) which is being implemented in 8 Court stations at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, 3 High Court Division, Luwero High Court and Mengo Chief Magistrates Court. This has resulted in the average case filing rate increasing at a rate of 2.8% in the courts operating electronic court case management information systems. 

Thirdly judiciary instilled zero tolerance for corruption in the judicial system by producing systems and periodic monitoring of judicial officers, and has recruited a total of 380 new appointments and promotions of justices of the Supreme Court.

The Judiciary has further improved physical access to judiciary services and proximity to courts by constructing the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal buildings. The construction of the Supreme Court building is at 92% of completion while that of the Court of Appeal is at 85%. 

Further more Judiciary has completed the construction of Mukono High Court, 4 justice centres at Sembabule, Buhweju, Maracha and Namayingo, and 3 chief magistrate courts at Mayuge, Kamwenge, Butambala. There are also on going 3 justice centres in Sheema, Kole and Kibaale, 3 High Court buildings at Tororo, Rukungiri and Soroti, and Chief Magistrate court buildings in Albetong, Lyatonde and Budaka, Abim, Patongo and Karenga. 

The Judiciary has further increased case disposal in Courts. Here judiciary disposed of 205,967 cases in the financial year 2021/2022 compared to 156875 cases disposed of in the year 2020/2021 resulting in 32%incresse in case disposal.

At the end of March 2023, courts disposed of 176,825 cases against the target of 172,564 cases performing at 102.5% against the planned target. As a result of the above performance, courts recorded an overall decrease in case backlog from 32%to 26%.

This good performance is attributed to the increased number of Judicial officers, use of ICT case handling, use of plea bargaining small claims procedure and mediation

On transport, Judiciary acquired additional transport equipment to enhance the capacity of courts to timely adjudicate cases. A total of 138 vehicles and 102 motorcycles were acquired to facilitate adjudication of cases. 

On the handling of retirement benefits, 222 Judicial officers in line with the administration of the Judiciary Act 2020 were paid fully their retirement benefits.

With this super performance registered, it’s imperative that government sustains this performance and addresses silent challenges affecting the sector going forward.

 The number of judicial officers is still insufficient to march the justice demands in addition the number of administrative staff has not been increased to match the Judicial officers which has negatively affected justice delivery. 

Government made a commitment to progressively adjust the budget for the judiciary upwards to sh800 billion during the medium term. However, the current budget is sh382 billion which has slowed down the realisation of the commitments. 

I, therefore, suggest that government fulfils its commitment by increasing the judiciary budget from the current sh381 billion to shs800 billion by 2025/2026. 

This will strengthen the capacity of members of the Administration of Justice programme for the desired access to justice to be achieved in Uganda. Its also imperative that other justice laws and other institutions whose performance greatly impacts the performance of the judiciary are equally and robustly strengthened. I rest my case.

Felix Oketcho, is a journalist and Chief Executive Officer of Elix Promotions Ltd 

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