
UBTEB Releases April/May 2023 Results with over 80% success rate

L-R: Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye – UBTEB Executive Secretary, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, Board Chairperson and John Chrysostom, the State Minister for Higher Education

KAMPALA, (UG): The Uganda Business and Technical Examination Board (UBTEB) on Thursday released examination results from the April/May 2023 End of Programme assessment series.

The results which portrayed an 81% success rate were released by the Education Minister and First Lady, Hon Janet Museveni, at the Office of the President in Kampala.

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Speaking at the results releasing ceremony, UBTEB’s Executive Secretary Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye noted that they conducted these examinations and assessments between 21st April and 26th May for programmes of Technical Higher Diploma, Technical National Diploma, Business Diploma & Certificate, and Physical and Biological Sciences Diploma & Certificate programmes.

He noted that they registered a total of 13,209 (7,701 females and 5,508 males) but only 8,538 (65%) turned up for examinations.

“This was partly due to the UTCs that were unable to present candidates in the April/May 2023 examinations series.”

He revealed that out of the 8,538 candidates who sat for examinations, 6,913 Candidates (81%) successfully acquired all competencies in their respective trades.

According to him, female candidates beat their male counterparts as 3,931 (57%) successfully completed the programmes compared to male candidates with 2,982 (43%).

“There was a very good performance exhibited in the Physical and Biological Science Diploma End of the programme with 82% pass rate. Other categories of programmes were also done well with completion rates above 70%.”

Although he said that the UBTEB Examination Managers have gained a lot of expertise in detecting all sorts of examination malpractice, a total of 42 candidates were found guilty of the malpractice and recommended cancellation of the examination results for the entire semester.

“On this note, I commend the examination management team for their strict vigilance, and I urge them to minimize further these malpractice cases by thoroughly checking candidates before entering the examinations rooms and undertaking compulsory candidate briefing prior to the start of examinations,” said Oyesigye.

Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, Board Chairperson noted that the Board championed the rollout of modular assessment syllabus for TVET programmes and the National Certificate and Uganda Community Polytechnics Certificate programmes are already being implemented and the second cohort of the trainees are currently undergoing assessment.

“This modular assessment is a manifestation of the Board’s commitment to the implementation of the TVET reforms that you have championed since 2019 to enable the acquisition of functional competencies by the graduates.”

Over time, he revealed that they have achieved a lot including;

The Construction of the five-storey UBTEB Assessment Centre project that started in 2022 and is now at 22 % work progress. He, however, said that it is below schedule due to the untimely release of funds and budget cuts.

He made an appeal for more funding “because its completion implies a reduction of high costs accruing from renting of various premises for the Board’s operations.”

To align the Board to the TVET reforms, the Board said it is changing in a phased manner, from the traditional assessment to modularized assessment.

“The Board has embarked on the process of rolling out modularized assessment for Diploma programmes. This calls for additional funding to support the shift in the assessment processes and TVET delivery especially Change Management of tools, instruments and stakeholders’ mindset in the assessment processes.”

TVET graduates that match the ever-changing demands of the world of work.”

As Government, she noted that they have prioritized key sectors that can spur industrial growth and development such as Manufacturing, Construction, Information Communications Technology, Tourism and Hospitality, Agriculture, among others.

“It is now our deliberate policy as Government to harness critical skills that will enable the young generation to be part of the struggle to support the industrial base and guarantee increased productivity for job creation.”

“The Management of UBTEB should be applauded for fast-tracking the TVET reforms and their implementation in order to deliver the Board’s mandate. I am in particular grateful to the Board for the continued collaborations with the industry and TVET Development Partners that support Government’s call on delivering TVET that is Employer-led. This will enable our country to achieve her dream of raising a critical mass of artisans and technicians. I therefore call upon the private players in the industrial sector to be involved more in the curriculum development, training and assessment of TVET graduates,” said Mrs. Museveni.

She also applauded the Board for the continued increase in enrollment of trainees for TVET programmes especially females that have acquired competencies in the various trades is a tremendous achievement for the TVET sub-sector.

“This will supplement the on-going efforts to reduce youth unemployment but also sustain the drive to realize gender equity in TVET institutions across the country. “

She urged her technical team to work closely with the Board to address the challenges and issues affecting the Board.

On the issue of non-reviewed curricula that are affecting the smooth operation of the Board and also the absence of the TVET Qualification Framework, she noted that these are being worked on.

Mrs. Museveni revealed that her ministry has introduced the TVET Management Information System for the registration of all TVET providers and Trainees, which she is optimistic will provide adequate database to all TVET stakeholders so as to provide relevancy of training programmes to the world of work.

“The Ministry is also streamlining the laws and regulations on TVET and will update the public on the progress at an appropriate time.”

She strongly condemned the issue of examination malpractices, noting that that is a bad vice, especially in skills training and should be fought by everyone including the candidates themselves, the parents, the training providers and the general public.

“I, therefore, agree with the recommendation of the Board that the results of the affected candidates be cancelled.”

Board Recommendations

The Board wants all stakeholders especially the industry and Private Sector in general to be called upon to play a role in the training of TVET graduates through offering industrial field attachments. “There is a need for policy guidance as far as field attachment is concerned. A framework could be developed where the government can engage the industries so that a mechanism to incentivize the industries with some form of subsidies on their various inputs is put in place.”

The Board also wants institutions to be guided and even encouraged to take students for frequent industrial exposure to gain real-life practical experience that is applicable to the working environment

Mr. ES said that all efforts should be put in place by the institutions, monitoring and inspection agencies to ensure that training and assessment syllabus is completed in good time.

They also asked for a strong need by the Ministry of Education and Sports and other development partners to support ICT equipment acquisition  for the training providers both public and private

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