
Health Tips: Improve your sexual life with healthy food choices

By Kamara Daniel

In Uganda and the world over, people are affected by different sexual challenges, such as sexual incompetence, less manpower, premature ejaculation and less time during the game, with many complaining about sizes, shape and strength, length and time for an erection. 

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According to the University Of Wisconsin Health 2019, Erectile dysfunction affects 50% of men in their late 50 years and at least 10 % of men live with the disease.

In Uganda, the rate of ED is prevalent in villages and rural communities where at least 2 people in 10 have the disease according to Antanio et al.

However, most of the above challenges are attributed to nutrition health style and food choices that affect their normal physiological processes and end up altering their normal pathways and leading to different changes in the state of function. 

Nutrition and food choices that can predispose your risk to sexual incompetence include, 

Street junking, and fast food- these are full of calories and fewer nutrients that are essential to support the central nervous symptom and the reproductive health system respectively. Most of these calories are stored in the long run to end up predisposing to overweight since the body cannot fully utilize them.

Lack of exercise-  normal setting now, most people lack enough intense exercise that is essential for the revamp of the body systems, this normally occurs in less active people, who intend to be lazy and less active thus less performance and obesity sets in.

Alcoholism- Especially beer all the time, remember alcohol doesn’t reduce size rather it increases the size due to the empty calories it provides to the body. This makes the drinker bigger and bigger every day, also affecting the brain function and therefore likely to reduce the good feeling hormones. Moderation would be key to reducing the risk factors.

Smoking – In the current era, shisha taking leads, and other chemicals that young youth and adolescents are engaging in a lot, may also lead to the suppression of sexual hormones and lead to the imbalance, which reduces the sexual performance in bed.

Taking supper immediately to bed- Proper dinner timing should be at least 3 hours to bedtime, this allows time to exercise, by this reduces the amount of glucose that is stored due to physical inactivity. In the long run, if such eating behaviour is not dealt with, a person is likely to get chronic diseases.

Poor snacking- Most people snack on highly processed foods, fried foods, sodas, and lots of sugars among others. This leads to deprivation of necessary energy that would support you during the game time and also boost your sexual energy.

Other factors that could affect your sexual energy include-

Ageas your ageing process sets in, the physiology of most body systems changes, where most hormones decrease and a few dietary diversity is common- however many foods of different origins would help, and refraining on what the person eats would be so important.

Hormonal imbalance- this could be due to different diseases and other metabolic factors that could decrease the hormones and lead to reduced appetite and thus make the person less interested in the game, however, consulting a specialist would assist you and a multi-disciplinary approach would be so helpful.

Chronic diseases and illnesses- such as Diabetes and other diseases that could weaken the reproductive system, long-lasting diseases also deprive the body and compete with the body thus depriving important chemicals that could enhance sex and good feelings.

Fatigue- Usually when a person is tired, not feeling well and full or whole, the desire for sex is usually limited and less time is often used in case they engage in the practice.

Certain medicaments- Some drugs change the physiology of the body by interacting with the normal physiology and well-being, such drugs like ant Diabetes among others reduce the libido and sexual energy.

Overcoming such a diet and lifestyle change

Mediterranean diet- Studies show that people who use this type of diet, neither experience low libido nor reduced sexual drive. This is not a diet but a healthy eating plate in short. This means following a healthy eating plate must be crucial for someone’s hormones to function, and for the general body to keep in very normal physiological function.

Snacking on nuts and seeds- these have the potential to provide the body with essential chemicals and boost the ability to increase the semen and sperm count in men, this increases the general well-being of the male reproductive system.

Refraining from fast and processed diets- especially the ones commonly on the market, the body receives calories instead of nutrients, this deprives the ability of the body to meet its dietary requirements as needed.

Kachumbali and fresh food- such as fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions and bell peppers would support the general physiology, restore the gut connection to the brain, by correcting the gut microbiota and boost the general body systems. They release the phytonutrients and the phytochemicals that are essential for the body to feel good. 

Probiotics- these are foods rich in good bacteria that correct the gut health and reconnect the brain, restoring good thinking and general brain health.

Healthy Eating Plate- This includes the plate ½ of vegetables and fruits, ¼ with proteins, and ¼ Carbohydrates. This maintains the body and keeps the nutrients and recommended dietary allowances normal. This allows the body to stay nutrient-rich and able to meet your sexual performance goals.

Reduction in alcohol consumption and smoking- Certain healthy habits have to be stopped or reduced to avoid severe alterations to the body’s physiological functions and keep you normal.

Exercising- Maintain healthy behaviours such as exercising at least 30 minutes according to the WHO recommendations. This helps to burn excess body fat and keeps you well.

Enough hydration and water- Making sure the body is not dehydrated and is kept in the normal ranges, helps protect the body from being dehydrated and able to perform its normal functions.

Avoiding eating anyhow and at any time – would prevent the body from unnecessary calories and excessive storage that would predispose the body to overweight and obesity.

Meal planning and preps would also foster general well-being by ensuring the body access to the necessary nutrients and recommended body requirements 

For other medical conditions, you need to consult your specialist who may refer you appropriately to the needed services. Remember minerals especially zinc and calcium are essential for semen and sperm production

Fruits such as watermelon contain at least 90% of natural Viagra that can sustain an erection.

Beat hidden hunger also known as micronutrient deficiency is normally gotten when you keep on not taking whole foods and incomplete diets, such hunger can lead you to reproductive health insufficiency.

Break the cycle of malnutrition- In instances where people are malnourished, there is a tendency that it will be familial thus this can either be a two-way, or one-way, by either obesity or underweight or stunting. All these predispose the body to nutrient needs and lead to deprivation.

Please Note: Be careful about the herbal medicines and products that most people around town and streets sell purporting to improve sexual manpower, enhance size and sustain an erection. Be aware of such and avoid the; long-lasting side effects, consult with qualified persons before usage.

Remember your plate holds power in all directions.

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Kamara Daniel is a Clinical Nutritionist at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre in Kampala

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