Op-Ed: Should we refrain from being corrupt?

By Alibawa Saire

In such a scenic country, with lots of opportunities, a country referred to as the Pearl of Africa, a country full of Guinness Word record breakers, qualified celebrated professionals, distinguished religious leaders, but filled with a lot of disillusionment and sanctimonious people. Where corruption is now essential to success.

It’s a country where every individual now wishes to hold a big position to give him or her access to land hefty contracts so he can get his standards improved. Corruption, which is embedded in several forms, seems a solution to the absence of pain in Uganda.

In a country where no one bothers about the well-being of others, where the uncouth express eudaimonia in terms of pleasure. Where our privileges have been mocked by the narcists, it only gives us confidence to learn and embrace corruption.

Just as some critical modern philosophers suggested, that happiness is the absence of pain. Utilitarianism determines the right from the wrong by focusing on the outcomes. If the outcome produced the greatest good for the majority of them the act is absolutely right, and so is the case today.!!

Corruption in Uganda has come to this. It now benefits the vicious. Why wouldn’t you be corrupt then?? Why would people struggle to be morally virtuous while others are reaping from vicious traits!! When others are prosperous through corruption. It only gives us a chance to emulate such emulous persons, their egocentric nature stimulates our nerves to being like them.

In a country where every government body is rotten and struggling, where top officials steal and go unpunished there is no need to restrain yourself and prove your ethical values by refraining to get a bribe where possible. Where religious leaders are determined to sell religious institutions for their selfish gains! Why not embezzle billions and corrupt the judges to set u free? Why not embezzle and use your position to corrupt everyone around you to maintain your status quo?

There’s absolutely no need to teach the new generation the dangers of corruption, perhaps what shall we tell them when we all witness the beauty of being corrupt?? Where we watch children of corrupt officials enjoying taxpayers’ money and tax payer’s children are ending up wasted!

While potential investors are yearning to access those at the helm to exempt them from paying taxes. Where we witness judges taking bribes to have victims set free! Where traffic officers never mind passengers’ lives and end up asking for bribes to let dangerous mechanical vehicles proceed.

Where being a whistle-blower on such impunities makes you lose a job. Where exhibiting the rouges in government makes u an enemy of justice.Where the voice for the voiceless is incarcerated for talking about such impunities. Where money meant for roads has been swindled making us live in a pothole city.

You literally have no nerves to explain to your children the dangers of corruption. These narcists who think the world revolves around them hopefully think proper parenting will bring an end to corruption, but it only gives them the vigour to endure and wait for their time to hold big positions to also practice corruption.

Yes!! Until we all benefit from the happiness of corruption, we shall then show our children the other side of corruption. Let’s fart together, and if the stench intensifies and bothers us all, we will realise.

Whilst we recognise all these impunities and rouges, it’s important to remain focused. The little values we instil in our children shall one time be expanded to a corrupt-free nation.

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The writer is an administrator and a Human Rights enthusiast.

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