A hero is no more, RIP Cecilia

By Odeke Bazel 

From Dokolo to the whole world, a once fearless worrier in UPC, had the last prowess maximized at Najjanankumbi premises, an FDC blood, a freedom and equality guru, a mother and a business ace, an orator and a philanthropist, Cecilia Ogwal is no more

What a sad moment to the clouds of democracy, the rule of law, the FDC fraternity and the entire country. Death has robbed us, Cecilia has gone; the selfless, courageous leader, and ambassador of good governance is no more. We are devastated by your loss, this is not a family loss, this is not a clan loss, this is not a regional loss, this is a country and continental loss, a hero has fallen, gallant daughter of the soil is departed

Indeed, good people don’t live longer! You have left us with a lot of unfinished business, you have left the children, clan members and entire country, your unwavering dedication to seeing good governance, a course you advocated till your last drop of oxygen, a new Uganda you envisioned, it’s sad that you won’t be able to live and enjoy your bloodline DNA fight when it’s eventually achieved, however, we are happy that you laid a stone that will always be a centre of reminisce.

You repudiated to exalt to impunity, corruption and unconstitutionalism. You lived selflessly, worked, advocated and above all streamlined and showed the course of action for a better Uganda. You legislated, debated, agreed and disagreed for the benefit of the people, for the benefit of the region and for the benefit of the country and the continent at large, a hero is fallen

You revamped the spirit of principality and advocacy. You stood tallest in all aspects of transparency, accountability and above all against impunity and bad governance. You directed, lectured and provided moral, ethical and a breakthrough for women’s participation in the political atmosphere. You offered leadership and guided in chaotic matters to restore peace, Cecilia is no more.

With your God-given talent, oratory, You never kept muffled in controversial matters, you spoke vehemently against corruption, individual enrichment at the expense of national interest, you never pretended to be normal in unabnormal situation, you had Ugandan’s at heart, you had Dokolo at heart. Cecilia, you raised the girl child, provided light at the end of the tunnel for most girls, what a loss! Rest in peace comrade, Cecilia Ogwal

You truly lived to your word, a woman of substance, iron lady, a woman of strength and determination and focus-oriented machinery. You did everything you could to see Uganda free from the bondage and subjugation of the individuals, who have chosen themselves over and over at the expense of the impoverished people. We shall surely live to imitate and perpetuate, Uganda will one day be what you envisioned

Napoleon in his words said, “death is nothing but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily”. Your legacy remains unblemished and far-reaching, we shall surely bequeath our sons and daughters, men and women, grandfathers and grandmothers, your legacy, we shall carry on with your legacy, we really thank God for the time you lived to teach and give us sense of hope and patriotism

Indeed, what we do to ourselves dies with us, what we do to others and the country remains immortal, we shall surely remember you, rest in peace hero, rest in peace patriot, rest in peace mama, rest in peace gallant daughter of the soil, rest in peace mentor, rest in peace orator, rest in peace Cecilia Ogwal

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The author is Odeke Bazel, a researcher/ political commentator/ a social worker – Pallisa

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