Op-Ed: The implications of MK Movement rebrand on the transition debate

By Edrine Benesa

Until early this week, there has been a lot of mayhem regarding General Muhoozi Keinerugaba-MK, his strategies and his place in the politics and role in the transition debate of the country. Questions have been asked, for example; Why is the MK brand everywhere? What is he doing? Isn’t he breaking the Law?

Some if not most of these questions have been settled in most Ugandans minds except for a few to whom the obvious is the hardest of pills to swallow! To these, I would like to assure you that the new move to rebrand welcomes a form of structure that you are most likely to accept for it seems to be universally understood that the previous structureless.

In the new form, the MK brand looks insurmountable and has taken its place in the history that is now being made in Uganda. The MK movement,  now Patriotic League of Uganda can no longer be nipped in the bud because it has flowered and the time has come for every Ugandan, even sceptics to reap off the fruit of a well-developed, organized, strong and stable pearl, political movement!

Hopefully, that will resolve the earlier confusion regarding what the MK was, its agenda and the future gameplan. Ugandans are quick to trash pretenders in the bin of history and move on. You can tell by how they discard hit songs for new ones and “celebrities” are new ones in a matter of days or weeks. For those that stay, they have to earn it. APPLY, like a budding breast or bald head has demonstrated it is here to stay and will only continue to get better.

Ever since MK(now PLU)  graced the mainstream, as he says by those who wished evil, only good has sprung. All his qualities as a leader and a general have been brought out for all to see and those who follow him with a vain hope of tainting him have instead worked to make him shine brighter finally, one senses panic in those who had hoped that after the strong leadership of Mzei, we would have hit our ceiling and would regress. As it turns out, it’s just the beginning. 

For those who have been overly concerned about the political transition from President Museveni, it’s always been a matter of time, and the writing is now clearly written in black and white for everyone to see.

Without any doubt, Mzee still looks to be in very good shape, both intellectually and physically to continue guiding this country and I bet he is a sure choice for NRM and Uganda come 2026. His charismatic leadership that has identified him for the past five decades, however, make it predictable that overseeing preparation for the country’s next phase when he retires is paramount at the time.

The President truly deserves special applause for being a true visionary! A visionary he has been and that’s why Uganda has been blessed and can take a seat on the table of men not only in East Africa or Africa but in the world. This is no mean feat by any standards and I know one day he will be an entire subject of study for the next generations. As a concerned citizen of this great nation, I’d have been concerned if the president and commander in chief of the great UPDF and president had ignored the glaring need for answers on the future, but as we all not, our President is not one to be caught off guard.

While addressing the NRM parliamentary caucus at the National Leadership Institute (NALI), Kyankwanzi sometime last year, the visionary Head of State addressed the weaknesses within the Party he chairs and formed over four decades ago in his response to concerns by some Members of Parliament who sought his remark on the confusion surrounding who between himself and General Muhoozi would be carrying the NRM flag at the next polls.

In his characteristic intellect, General Museveni allayed the fears of his MPs by assuring them that Muhoozi and his group don’t work against the Kyadondo-based political party but they are rather partners. He also addressed some weaknesses within the establishment that had left many members disillusioned that they sought a new breathing space.

The President, who many people had noticed had been conducting himself in a manner that typically shows he has already approved his son for the task after he didn’t leave the podium at NALI without a special word of caution. In his long speech, Museve I warned that Muhoozi should be wary of some self-seekers who could want to use his enviable fame to push for their self-centred agendas.

Against the above background, one can understand why the rebranding, which will put in place structures that will track down the activities and conduct of the members is very crucial. 

Without wanting to appear as a prophet,  I am in no better position to deny the fact that MK and his PLU are truly a representation of the Future of Uganda.

The Writer is the Deputy RCC for Soroti East, Soroti City.

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