
ZOMBO: Best schools in 2023 PLE rewarded with shs200k for each first-grade

Zombo, (UG): The Woman Member of Parliament for Zombo district cum commissioner of the 11th parliament, Hon. Esther Afoyocan has rewarded the district’s best-performing schools in the recently released 2023 PLE Results with cash and prizes in excess of millions of shillings.

This happened on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the event facilitated by the Woman MP in a one-day convention for all the headteachers of the public primary schools across Okoro and Orra counties of  Zombo district to strategize and embark on achieving the target of the district to produce  100 first grades in PLE 2024.

The 64 headteachers and the top political leadership of Zombo District convened for the auspicious first-time historic assembly of educationists to discuss and witness presentations on detailed comparative analysis of PLE results of the district for Seven years.

The workshop spelt out the percentage passes of learners by schools, sub-counties, rankings of best and worst schools utmost justifications for the poor academic performance of the district in summative assessments, national examinations and the formidable ways forward.

DailyExpress further learnt that it’s upon this background data and situational challenges presented, discussed and previewed to the District woman legislator who tasked the Education department of the district to craft the document which intrinsically and passionately compelled her to inject over 10 million shillings in cash and machines to deliver the target of 100 first grades in PLE 2024 as a springboard.

The Headteachers who turned up for the session at Paidha Cultural Center hall

Cash prizes worth 2.6 million shillings were awarded to public schools that recorded first grade in PLE 2023, 200,000/= for each of the 13 first grades recorded from the public schools of Oturgang Boys (6), and Agiermach (3).

An HP Lazer printer for Aripa primary school and two brand new Bajaj motorcycles for inspectors of schools to ease monitoring and inspection of learning and teaching in all the about 90 primary schools across the district so as a ride on the path of achieving the target of the 100 first grades in 2024.

The headteachers from all the primary schools fractioned the projected number of first grades among their schools with much enthusiasm and motivation as they committed themselves to delivering the target without fail.

Speaking to this Publication, Rev. Bro Eden Rukundo, the Headteacher of Agiermach Primary School that obtained three first grades in PLE 2023 pronounced the ambition for at least 10 first grades in 2024 saying in verbatim; “Hon. Esther has given us the morale to improve next year and I committed myself to produce at least 10 first grades with the help of God but majorly I want to avoid low grades of third and fourth.”

Rev. Bro. Eden Rukundo, Headteacher Agiermach Primary School

The district inspectors of schools who were incapacitated to effect adequate and timely inspection and monitoring of learning and teaching across the schools were also empowered with two brand new Bajaj motorcycles to aid and ease inspection of schools as they strive to implement the target of 100 first grades from the district.

Mr Aziz Onim expressed optimism for better service delivery and performance of the inspectorate at the district level which he says somehow hindered supervision across all areas of the district.

“Supervision was hindered by lack of transport means and that caused a lot of gaps in service delivery in the district with this donation of the Bajaj motorcycles by Hon.Esther I pledge and commit myself to do the needful and reach all the schools to execute my duty,” Onim remarked.

Hon.Esther Handing over the printer to headteachers of schools that recorded first grades in PLE 2023

Rooting from rewarding the learners who obtained first grade across the district with mattresses and some cash tokens, Hon. Esther Afoyocan has reckoned intently to award and motivate the teachers for their Resilience, passion and hard work that culminates into the celebrated results of the learners.

The District Woman MP noted that all the interventions in place are to better the academic performance of the district urging the headteachers to aim for the better in this year’s PLE.

“The money I gave the headteachers was meant for them to go back and sit in their schools and come up with strategies that help them perform better this year,” Hon Afoyocan iterated.

Zombo District, located in the West Nile Region registered 2,189 candidates for PLE 2023, 48 first grades and over 1,100 learners qualified to join post-primary schools.

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