The story of Nyampuuga, Kakooto Nyamukuta and NUP’s fight over Mpuuga’s Shs500M loot

By Andrew Baba Buluba

Somewhere in my friend’s grandmother’s village, there lived a notorious citizen called Nyamukuta who had precariously come to own almost half of of village land. Even though he settled in the village having run from civil strife in his native place, he spread fear and tormented the whole village especially when he identified a piece of land that pitched his interest.

Over the years, he amassed a lot of wealth, and obviously power. As time went on, he got the village’s local Council into his grip and they only served his interests. Whoever opposed his land-grabbing machinations would ultimately lose power on the local Council.

Never give concessions to an aggressor. As it turned out later, Kakooto- the village Chief was Nyamukuta’s latest target. He required the land upon which the chief lived, whereupon his parents and grandparents were buried. Obviously, he was never to relinquish it that easily. Kakooto’s wife, Nyampuuga encouraged her husband to relinquish the only piece of land to the rich man. The land of his ancestors!

When Kakooto stuck to his guns, Nyampuuga was, surprisingly, displeased. She gradually grew rebellious towards her husband and even threatened to leave him all the time. She also became promiscuous.

And when Kakooto, finally resolved that he could no longer stand Nyampuuga against, he sought the intervention of the Elder’s Council I which was coincidentally, chaired by Myamukuta.

During the deliberations to restore harmony between the hitherto peaceful couple, Kakooto requested the elders to allow him and his wife to separate because, to him, their relationship was ruptured beyond repair. Nyamukuta on the other side insisted that there was no way Nyampuuga would be allowed to leave as it would disgraceto Kakooto and the village.

”Kakooto would be a nobody without Nyamukuta. Actually, all the good luck and the number of harvests at the farm every season are due to Nyamukuta. He would be finished if she was allowed to go.”

Nyamukuta assured the rest of the elders. As always, Nyamukuta successfully managed to tie Nyampuuga around Kakooto like a curse. Years later, Kakooto was found dead with foam all over his face. Until now, no conclusive cause of Kakooto’s death has been established.

As for the land, Nyamukuta owns it all and Kakooto and his ancestors’ remains were bulldozed. Nyampuuga is now married to the rich man- Nyamukuta and it is believed that three of the seven children she had with the late Kakooto actually belong to her current man.

Back to the events in Uganda today, what the Nyamukuutas of today are trying to do is to set up NUP to live with a rotten Nyampuuga within their ranks so they can have an easy way to penetrate kill and plunder their fields.

Look at it this way, we know very well that NRM and its members would wish every unfortunate situation to befall Bobi Wine’s group even to cause its disintegration. Isn’t it then suspicious that this time many of them are up in arms to ensure Nyampuuga doesn’t get to answer for his transgressions?

If at all, like they are claiming, “Nyampuuga” is the cent that binds Kakooto’s home together, and it would absolutely disintegrate should “she” leave, why should they not just pray it happens so they can reap dividends in the form of the collapse?

Truth be told, Hon Mpuuga soiled his reputation over decades. He was a good man who stumbled somewhere along the way maybe due to the allure of the big money being dangled in front of leaders of his calibre at Parliament. As for Bobi Wine and NUP, they were spot on and did the right thing by moving to castigate their man or else they were bound to fall into a very difficult trap.

It’s very evident that the message of the service reward was intentionally leaked to the public by insiders at Parliament or in government. This way, they probably aimed to get Bobi Wine hands down. “Whatever decision he picks, we shall have him.” Does he opt to sweep the matter under the carpet and move on in the interests of keeping the party intact or he chooses the side of the people, boldly confront a likely storm and restore order? He chose the latter.

Bobi Wine is at a point where he feels losing Mpuuga is disastrous for a party fighting to keep its important human resources but also more disastrous to watch him do as he wishes and it could sow seeds of rebellion and a big man syndrome that he would have to deal with in future.

Besides, the public is watching attentively to see the decisiveness with which the youthful leader handles defiance and indiscipline to inform their decision of his group’s suitability for the national leadership.

Obviously, even with half a brain, one can precisely tell who Nyampuuga works for and sooner than later, Kakooto will be vindicated when “Nyamukuta” finally decides to reveal ” her” true identity. My wish is only that this time doesn’t come when ” Kakooto” is already dead and buried.

The writer is a political commentator and Kampala-based Journalist.

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