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Critics slam naming blocks at Bukedea Teaching Hospital after First Family

President Museveni accompanied by Speaker Anita Among at the opening of the MK Block at Bukedea Comprehensive School in Bukedea District, eastern Uganda on Saturday, March 23, 2024 (Photo/Handout)

Just days after the maiden event in which President Museveni commissioned Bukedea Teaching Hospital and Bukedea College of Health Sciences, both multi-billion institutions owned by Speaker of Parliament, Rt Hon Anita Among, critics have come to define as demeaning the manner in which some of the blocks at the facilities were named after the First Family.

During the commission of the facilities on Saturday, March 23, President Museveni opened the MK Blocked, named after First Son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba at the Medical School, while a Natasha Children’s Ward, named after First Daughter, Natasha Karugire was opened at the Hospital section.

Now reacting to the above developments, Timothy Kalyegira, a renowned columnist and researcher, suggested a hypothetical scenario wherein he proposed that Anita Among, the Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, should gather votes from Members of Parliament to declare President Museveni as the Life President of Uganda.

Kalyegira implied a strategy of reducing President Museveni to the level of a primitive African chief and an international joke to undermine his political standing.

Kalyegira criticized her decision to name sections of the new Bukedea hospital after various members of the First Family. He described it as “pathetic” and “shrewd,” attributing primitivity to the ruling family of Uganda.

Kalyegira’s analysis portrayed Among’s actions as a score of 3 against President Museveni’s 0, suggesting a potential embarrassment for Uganda that might prompt even loyalists of the ruling party to voice dissent.

In his own words, Kalyegira said; ”Anita Among names sections of the new Bukedea hospital after various members of the First Family. Pathetic and shrewd of her. Pathetic, for obvious reasons Shrewd, because she has put on full display the primitivity of the family that rules Uganda today.”

Amidst these discussions, Anita Among posted a biblical quote with a statement with a message of goodwill on Palm Sunday, a Christian holiday indicating that favours from God last a lifetime after short nights of tears.

“Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.(Psalms 30:4-5)”

Another User, Kato Mpanga shared his observations regarding the naming of hospital blocks after members of the First Family, suggesting that they might not be entirely pleased with this practice.

Mpanga speculated that Anita Among, the Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, could be employing persuasive tactics to garner their acceptance.

He also reflected on the evolution of President Museveni’s attitudes over the years. He recalled a time, approximately 38 years ago, when President Museveni exhibited a tough-talking and unflamboyant demeanour, expressing disdain for the naming of public buildings or structures after politicians.

Mpanga contemplated how President Museveni from that era would have reacted if someone had proposed naming sections of a hospital after his wife and children, suggesting that he would have vehemently opposed such an idea.

The passage of time, according to Mpanga, may have altered President Museveni’s perspectives and approaches. He implied that the President’s stance on public naming conventions might have shifted from his earlier days in power.

Mpanga highlighted the potential contrast between President Museveni’s historical aversion to such practices and the current reality of having sections of a hospital named after members of his family.

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