Tech & Innovation

GUIDE: How to chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp as feature rolls out worldwide

In an exciting new feature on its platform, WhatsApp now allows users to chat with Meta AI directly within the app. The feature which is currently available in limited countries supports only English, according to Meta, which owns the social messaging app.

With Meta AI, users can use the chatbot in a one-on-one conversation or on WhatsApp group chats to ask questions or get advice on a wide range of topics. With the Ai bot in the group, be sure that others in the chat will be able to see your messages to Meta AI as well as Meta AI’s response.

It is also important to note that Meta AI is an optional service offered and managed by Meta which can be disabled or turned off if group admins so wish.

In this insightful article, DailyExpress will guide you through chatting with Meta AI on WhatsApp.

Getting started with Meta AI on WhatsApp

To start chatting with Meta AI on WhatsApp, you first need to ensure that you’re using the latest version of WhatsApp and that the feature is available in your country. If it is, you can start a conversation by following these steps;

  1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the chat screen.
  2. Click the “New Chat” button and select “Meta AI.”
  3. If prompted, read and accept the terms of service.

Some users have reported that they can as well access the WhatsApp Meta AI by clicking the coloured ‘icon’ ring which can be tapped to initiate a chat with Meta AI chatbot.

Chatting with Meta AI on WhatsApp

Once you’ve started a chat with Meta AI, you can interact with it by sending messages just like in a regular WhatsApp conversation. Meta AI can understand and respond to a wide range of topics and questions.

  1. Ask questions: Meta AI has a vast knowledge base and can answer various questions.
  2. Receive recommendations: Meta AI can offer personalized recommendations based on your interests and preferences. For example, you can ask for suggestions on books to read, movies to watch, or restaurants to try in your area.
  3. Discuss interests: Meta AI is designed to engage in meaningful conversations about various subjects. You can talk about your hobbies, current events, or any other topics that interest you.

To send a message to Meta AI, simply type your message in the chat box and hit send. Meta AI will generate a response using artificial intelligence based on your prompts.

Chatting with Meta AI in group chats

In addition to one-on-one conversations, you can also use Meta AI in your WhatsApp group chats. This allows you to ask questions or get advice that other members can see of the group. To use Meta AI in a group chat, follow these steps:

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  1. Open the desired group chat in WhatsApp.
  2. Type “@” in the message field and select “Meta AI” from the list of suggestions.
  3. Type your prompt or question and send the message.
  4. Meta AI will provide a response that will be visible to all group members.

It’s important to note that Meta AI can only read and respond to messages that mention “@Meta AI”. It cannot access or reply to any other messages in the group chat.

Generating AI images with Meta AI on WhatsApp

Another exciting feature of Meta AI on WhatsApp is the ability to generate images using artificial intelligence. To create an AI image:

  1. Open the chat where you want to generate the image.
  2. Type “@” in the message field and select “/imagine”.
  3. Enter a text prompt describing the image you want to create.
  4. Send the message, and Meta AI will generate an image based on your prompt.

You can also update previously generated images by replying to the image message with a new text prompt.

Please note:

Meta AI can only read and reply to questions that mention @Meta AI, not any others. As always, your personal messages and calls remain end-to-end encrypted, meaning not even WhatsApp or Meta can see or listen to them.

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Meta uses AI chats consistent with Meta’s Privacy Policy. By using this feature, you agree to Meta’s AI Terms of Service. However, you have the option to delete individual chats with AIs or request the deletion of information you previously shared with Meta AI.

Although some messages generated by AIs might not be accurate or appropriate, chatting with Meta AI on WhatsApp presents a fun and innovative way to engage in interesting conversations, seek advice, and generate images.

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