
Mbale youths call for establishment of Creative Hub to sharpen their skills

Some of the Revellers at Mbale Creatives Market during one of the Market days (Photo/Courtesy)

Mbale, (UG):- “The Mbale Creatives”, a group of young people using their talents to transform society have suggested that a creative hub be developed in the area, to help improve and grow their skills for income enhancement.

The group made the request on Monday, April 22, 2024, while meeting and interacting with a delegation from the University of West England (UWE) at the Elgon Cultural and Historical Museum.

This meeting that was organized by Inzu Ya Masaaba the Cultural Institution of Bagisu, centred its discussions, on how, the work of the Creatives’, can be appreciated for economic impact.

According to the Head of Commission for Museum Development Creative Industries and Art at Inzu, Ms Mungoma Prisicillah, the meeting followed a trip that was carried out by a delegation of Izu to the United Kingdom last year”.

While speaking to our reporter she said, “In December of last year, Uwelukoosi Umukuuka we Bamasaaba and his delegation visited the University of the West of England for a possible partnership.

Now, they are reciprocating the visit by sending this delegation from UWE to conduct a feasibility study to explore potential areas of collaboration with the cultural institution”.

Ms. Mungoma added, “Uwelukoosi is committed to ensuring the realization of the Museum at Mutoto. We have identified approximately 38 key components for the Museum and are actively seeking various types of partnerships to support this endeavour”.

Some of the products traded at the Mbale Creatives market

The Mbale Creatives also requested exchange programs between them and the UWE. However, Ms. Mian Ng who is the International Partnerships Lead from the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK advised the youth to take advantage of the online courses the University offers to their benefit at the moment, as other plans are hatched.

Mr. Situma Jeff, the Team Lead of the Creatives while speaking to DailyExpress, said “It will be next month that the group will be making year since it was created”.

“We are currently a team of 12 members though our target is unlimited and are open to having new members, join us so that we can grow together”. Current members have been able to gain recurrent clients and referrals according to him.

Some of the products traded at the Mbale Creatives market

Some of the areas of collaboration between UWE and The creatives include Skills Development and Training, Access to Technology, Networking and collaboration, Market Research and Trends, Quality control and standards, as well as Financial literacy and funding.

Situma also appreciated Innovation Village, for being their lead partner since they became active. He concluded that; “We meet every Saturday at the Mbale Creative Market at the Elgon Museum to showcase some of our work for sale”.

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