
Namutumba turns to IRAS to streamline local revenue collection

IRAS consultants teach the technical staff of Namutumba District about the new advancements in the revenue administration system (Photo/Courtesy)

Namutumba, (UG):- A section of Parish Chiefs, Sub-County Chiefs, and department heads in Namutumba District recently engaged in a transformative two-day training session focused on the Integrated Revenue Administration System (IRAS), spearheading a new era of streamlined and efficient local revenue collection.

The opening day of this training witnessed Mr. Ofwono Emmanuel, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), championing the adoption of IRAS as a pivotal tool for accelerating performance and fostering collaborative teamwork.

In his address, Mr Ofwono underscored the significance of embracing IRAS, emphasizing its potential to enhance operational efficiency and accessibility to critical revenue data.

He lauded the exemplary teamwork demonstrated during the Parish Development Monitoring (PDM), which led to Namutumba’s recognition among the top-performing regions.

Through the training sessions, participants delved into the intricacies of IRAS, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its functionalities, data collection mechanisms, and effective utilization strategies.

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The training was facilitated by experienced IRAS consultants who guided participants through the system’s capabilities, illustrating how it collects revenue, tracks transactions, and generates reports.

This hands-on approach equipped attendees with the skills and knowledge needed to leverage IRAS effectively within their respective roles.

Mr. Ofwono emphasized the collaborative nature of IRAS, highlighting the importance of teamwork and collective vigilance in maximizing its benefits. He encouraged participants to remain observant and proactive, as IRAS thrives on seamless integration and continuous improvement driven by a dedicated team effort.

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IRAS, a cutting-edge revenue management tool, is designed to revolutionize the way local revenue is collected and managed. It consolidates data, automates processes, and provides real-time insights, empowering administrators to make informed decisions and optimize revenue streams.

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