Unemployment: Dr. Kisembo questions why some NRM cadres have multiple jobs  

Kagadi, (UG);- President Museveni Kaguta has been urged to do everything possible to combat unemployment in Uganda, beginning with those appointed to run the affairs of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party.

Speaking to this publication over the weekend, Dr. Emmanuel Diini Kisembo, an NRM party member and youth leader in the Bunyoro sub-region, stated that some NRM youths are unemployed because some members hold multiple positions in the party and the government.

“Many people in my NRM party hold multiple positions, including ministers who are also on the Central Executive Committee (CEC), Members of Parliament, and Directors at the party secretariat, among others. “This is why Uganda still has unemployment,” Dr. Kisembo stated.

He now wants President Museveni, who is also the national chairman of the NRM, to change his appointment criteria to include youth who support the party and the government but are overlooked.

“The President [national chairman] has a powerful voice, and we listen to him. I would like to see him reconsider his appointments in which one person holds multiple jobs; this is unnecessary.”

Uganda’s unemployment rate remained unchanged in 2023, at 2.9%, from 2.9 percent in 2022. It averaged 3.16% from 1991 to 2023, peaking at 3.8% in 2020.

According to Statista.com and Trading Economics, Uganda’s unemployment rate in 2024 is expected to be 2.61%.

According to Kisembo, government programmes and service delivery are crucial for the Bunyoro people, who primarily depend on agriculture. However, their land has been stolen. 

“How will they cultivate as part of the Parish Development Model’s development initiative? Whatever the government proposes, it appears promising on paper.”

 When we look at programmes like Emyooga, which are designed to empower Ugandans and youth, a feasibility study reveals poor performance, he said.

Regarding budgeting, he contended that Bunyoro does not have the services that other areas do. The budget needs to be in line with the East African economy. 

“Only a small number of youths can manage or sustain a startup business. We often find ourselves competing for the same resources when it comes to borrowing,” Bunyoro youth leader argued.

He stated that the President should make it easier for young people to access funding by eliminating the need for cumbersome remittance procedures. “The process needs to be streamlined to make it more accessible for young people.”

Uganda’s political landscape frequently occupies media attention as individuals seek to defend their positions, he noted, adding, “While the PDM receives significant media coverage, many people continue to suffer hardships, relying solely on financial metrics.”

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