
MP Kibalya donates 90 bicycles to Bugabula priests

The Member of Parliament Bugabula South, Kamuli district  Hon Henry Moris Kibalya has donated 90 bicycles worth 35 million Uganda Shillings to 90 Layleaders of Anglican churches in the constituency to ease the work of preaching the gospel of Jesus. 

At the function held at his home in Kitayunjwa sub-county Kamuli district, Hon Kibalya said that he decided to give bicycles to men and women of God because most of the time they’re not considered in any way yet they do a great job.

“These people do great work and suffer a lot but they are not recognised, even the government does not consider them. Instead, it donates vehicles to archbishops, bishops and Mufti,” Hon Kibalya said.

The MP added that the initiative is just the beginning and that he will also give bicycles to Imams of Mosques and catechists of Catholic churches in Bugabula South.

“I started with Anglican church but I will also give bicycles to Imams and catechists because they also suffer and will call the regional khadi and archbishop of Jinja diocese respectively to officiate the function,” he said.

While officiating this function, the bishop of Busoga diocese, The Rt Rev Paul Samson Naimane Mukembo thanked Hon Kibalya for having thought of these people because they suffer and he as a son of a Lay Reader know how much they suffer and what they go through when trying to fulfil their passion and calling.

“I would like to thank Hon Moris Henry Kibalya for giving out these bicycles to lay readers because as a son of a  Layleader, I know what these people go through when trying to preach the word of God. Most of them are ignored yet they do a great job,” he said. 

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Parliament and the Member of Parliament Bukooli Central in Bugiri District, Hon Solomon Sserwanyi who represented the speaker of parliament as the chief guest told DailyExpress that what Hon Kibalya has done is a challenge to all leaders because these men and women of God must be commended for the work they do.

“This is a challenge to all leaders to come out and support these great men and women of God,” he said. 

Jonathan Moris Mutambuze a Layleader of Bukuutu church of Uganda in Bulopa sub-county Bugabula south Kamuli thanked Hon Kibalya and promised to continue preaching the gospel because the means of transport is eased.

“God is good, on behalf of all Lay Readers I would like to thank our member of parliament and now our work of preaching the gospel is simplified,” he said. 

Before the function, the Bishop of Busoga Diocese, Rt Rev Paul Samson Naimane Mukembo Baptized more than 20 children and opened up the church St Peter Kitayunjwa church of Uganda which was also built by Hon Moris Henry Kibalya.

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