
Another cult believer arrested for blocking census exercise in Dokolo

Dokolo, (UG):- The Territorial Police in Dokolo District have arrested a cult church believer accused of allegedly resisting to be counted in the ongoing National Population and Housing Census exercise.

Todi Vincent, 47, a resident of Oturolee village, Adwongwo Parish, Adeknino sub-county was arrested on Friday 17 May 2024 after he told enumerators that the religious sect he subscribes to does not allow him to participate in the ongoing population census.

The LC3 chairperson of Adeknino sub-county, Fredrick Ogwal said Todi and his family members said that they don’t believe in the current census because it is far different from that one written in the bible.

“His religion is not known and last year Todi also refused the Indoor Residual Spray exercise, a government program meant to fight malaria in the homes,” said Ogwal.

The District Police Commander of Dokolo, Ms Patience Baganzi confirmed the arrest and that they will still give time for the suspect to accept to be counted but if he fails the dialogue, then he will face the law.

Baganzi appealed to the people of Dokolo to embrace all the government programs particularly the ongoing census exercise which he however warned that whoever tries to sabotage it, shall face the wrath of the law.

Todi’s arrest brings to a total of 9 people who have been arrested in the Lango sub-region for sabotaging the ongoing National Population and Housing Census exercise.

Recently, SP Jimmy Patrick Okema, the North Kyoga Police spokesperson in a press briefing said people should not break the law by indulging in propagating against population census, and other government programs such as NIDs, and immunization among others.

“We encourage and advise members of the public to embrace government programs as it’s a way of proper planning for better appropriation of resources to Ugandans.“ SP Okama said.

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