
Nyege Nyege Festival: Dates, theme and venue for 2024 edition unveiled

Jinja, (UG):- The renowned Nyege Nyege Festival, now in its 9th edition, will take place from November 14th to 17th and has been relocated from Jinja to the Source of the Nile in Njeru.

The move, according to organizers, is intended to provide festival-goers with a more convenient experience, eliminating the need to walk long distances between stages.

Festival co-founder Derek Debru, speaking to journalists at the Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) held at Speke Resort Convention Centre in Munyonyo, explained that previous venues were too large, causing attendees to walk extensively. 

This year’s festival will run under the theme “Afrogalactic Carnival,” blending music with ancestral traditions with the new location set to feature numerous activities, including an aqua park, camping, and water-based events, all in one site to keep revellers centrally located.

Debru highlighted that beyond showcasing Uganda’s diverse cultures, the festival also reflects Uganda’s role as a leading host of refugees from neighbouring countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. 

He emphasized that many talented artists in exile are now in Uganda, and Nyege Nyege aims to provide them with a platform to present their art.

“The high numbers of refugees in Uganda have brought a lot of amazing artists who are in exile, so we want to make sure that Nyege Nyege also gives a chance for them to showcase their art,” Debru stated, adding that this time around, the festival will feature a variety of music and drama from Sudanese, Congolese, Eritrean, and Burundian artists, ensuring that their status as refugees does not hinder their opportunity to participate in society and display their talents.

Ms Claire Mugabi, the Head of Marketing for the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB), announced that UTB has partnered with Nyege Nyege to highlight Uganda’s rich cultural diversity.

She noted that the festival is an excellent platform to reaffirm Uganda’s position as a premier cultural destination, showcasing the country’s 53 tribes and varied cultures.

Mugabi also mentioned that Nyege Nyege promotes Uganda as a venue for meetings, events, conferences, and exhibitions, further enhancing its appeal as a cultural and business hub.

Together with Talent Africa, the 2024 edition of Nyege Nyege aims to attract over 50,000 attendees over four days, injecting over USD 10 million into Uganda’s economy through foreign exchange.

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