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Iganga NUP boss lashes out at police for negligence after surviving kidnap

Iganga NUP Boss Ndizaawa Grace Ssalongo alias War Child speaking to the press at Iganga CPS on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (Photo/Isabirye Simon Peter)

Iganga, (UG):- The chairperson of National Unity Platform (NUP) for Iganga Central Division, Iganga municipality in Iganga district Mr Ndizaawa Grace Ssalongo alias Warchild has blamed the Iganga Central Police for undermining his case after reportedly escaping narrowly from people who allegedly wanted to kidnap him.

Ndizaawa, who spoke to DailyExpress at Iganga CPS on Tuesday, said his first attempt to register the case was unsuccessful as the officers at the reception referred him to top leadership. He mobilized some of his NUP colleagues, stormed the station on the same matter and finally had his case entered under reference number 94-18-06-2024 as assault.

Ndizaawa told this publication that at night on Saturday, he was approached by a stranger along one of the streets in Iganga town asking him to meet someone in a nearby stationary private car, something he did.

He says the occupants of the car which he identified with registration number UBL 239X reportedly attempted to abduct him into their car before he overpowered them with support from people along Daudi Waiswa road who noticed an unusual condition and intervened.

“I was from a certain restaurant to get something to eat and strangers parked a Mark X car UBL 239X and someone in the car called me and I thought they were known to me. Unfortunately, someone came out and slapped me, before attracting nearby people,” He said.

Ndizaawa says the car had armed people who wanted to force him into the car before facing resistance from the people and speeded off. He was concerned with the police who failed to register his case on Saturday night.

“Someone in army uniform and armed with a gun came out and another from the front seat also with a gun and wanted to chase away people and force me into their vehicle but people resisted. When I went to report the matter to the police, all officers refused to enter the case and instructed me to call the DPC,” Ndizaawa said.

“I was able to visit the police today again and lodge my case but it was unfortunate that police registered it as a case of assault yet the perpetrators had guns and wanted to kidnap me,” he added.

However, we have understood from anonymous sources that the said car is always used by Buligo Police Post in night operations, but there is no confirmation of the same by the police. Ndizaawa urged security to always summon him in case of any charge against him other than clobbering him.

“I am asking the government to control their people with guns and if they are carrying out an operation, it should be done lawfully. I am a law-abiding leader and whenever summoned I can respond other than treating me in such a manner and I call upon authorities to trace and bring those people to book,” Ndizaawa pleaded.

Meanwhile, the Busoga East regional police spokesperson SSP Diana Nandawula told DailyExpress that she was yet to be briefed by the CID. However, a senior officer at Iganga CPS who preferred not to be mentioned by name said police are investigating the matter to ascertain what exactly transpired and urged the public to be calm.

“We shall find out who and what exactly transpired, whether it was a NUP issue, personal, etc. We have got many people who after separating from their boyfriends come and report that their boyfriends have guns and accuse them of being robbers,” the officer said.

“If we were entering all those as robberies, I don’t think you would write good about us,” he added, further clarifying why police registered assault without including attempted abduction/ kidnap as preferred by the complainant.

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