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‘I have the capacity to lead this country’ – Mpuuga tells Masaka supporters

Nyendo - Mukungwe Member of Parliament, Hon Mathias Mpuuga at his thanksgiving mass at Kitovu Sports Grounds in Masaka City on Friday, June 21, 2024

Masaka, (UG):- Nyendo-Mukungwe Division Member of Parliament, Hon Mathias Mpuuga Friday unveiled his next move and ruled out forming a new political party despite falling out with his boss, the NUP President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu over the shs500m service award fee.

While addressing the congregation at his mega Thanksgiving function at Kitovu Sports Arena in Masaka City, Mpuuga who is also Commissioner of Parliament declared that he has the capacity and ability for the three positions but he is going to concentrate on fighting for electoral reforms and unity among all freedom fighters in Uganda.

The Former leader of Opposition rallied all political leaders especially from the Opposition side to unite and always listen to each other with a common voice for electoral reforms.

“Many people have been asking what Mpuuga plans to announce today; is it a new party, becoming NUP President or President of Uganda? Let me answer them; I am capable of doing those three things, but my focus is going to be on nurturing the youth to become good leaders,” Mpuuga said.

“What I have gone through has taught me many lessons and starting today, I will first observe what other people do, not what they say before deciding to work with them,” he added.

Mr Mpuuga however clarified that he is still a member of the National Unity Platform and called for reconciliation and talks with the party leadership to work together for a common good. Flanked by his wife, Maria Nabbanja, the former DP stalwart said he would not avenge those who have been maligning him but promised to jealously protect his name.

“This time round no one is going to malign me and just walk away. I will defend my name at all costs, but I remain calm as usual,” he said.

“There are key issues that require redress like how resources are shared among Ugandans, the overwhelming size of Parliament, and service delivery. These require working with everyone, including those we take as enemies because they also have a share in this country,” Mpuuga noted.

The Kattikiro of Buganda Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga in his message delivered by the 2nd Deputy Premier Owek Robert Wagwa Nsibirwa congratulated Mpuuga for exhibiting clean politics and fighting for the common people.

“His [Mpuuga’s] leadership has been fruitful since he started his leadership journey with Buganda Kingdom to date. In other political offices Mr Mpuuga has occupied since he left Mengo in 2011, he has displayed good leadership. We urge him to keep up to those standards as he furthers his political journey,” he said.

He further condemned the current trend of politics that involves mudslinging leaders with divergent views and asked politicians to calm down, respect each other, and reconcile to foster unity.

Busiro East MP Mr Merdard Ssegoona defended Mr Mpuuga whom he described as a long-time friend and brother for pocketing the service award. He described those who term the said award as an act of corruption as ignorant about how Parliament operates.

“Some of those commenting about it [service award] are doing it intentionally to mislead people yet others lack knowledge on how Parliament works. The money they are commenting about was passed through the right procedures of Parliament,” he said.

Quoting the Bible and greater philosophers like Aristotle, Mr Ssegoona said the current bickering among NUP top leadership will soon be history. “It is not too late to reconcile and I am confident that very soon we shall resolve our differences and move on,” he added.   

Mr Aloyious Lubega Magandaazi, the Ngabi Clan head handing over a gift to Mr Mathias Mpuuga during the Thanksgiving at Kitovu Sports Arena on June 21,2024. PHOTO/ COURTESY

The Head of the Ngabi clan, Mr Aloyious Lubega Magandaazi called for reconciliation between Mpuuga and Robert Kyagulanyi saying if the two can’t be reconciled by their clan heads, then they are stronger than their clans.

“If they can’t listen to the Catholic Church, it means that they are both stronger than the Church. If they are both from Buganda and Mengo can’t reconcile them, it means that they are stronger than the Kingdom,” Mr Magandaazi added.

The Parliamentary commissioners, Hon Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman MP), Hon Akampulira Prossy Mbabazi (Rubanda Woman MP) and Solomon Silwany (Bukholi Central) praised Mpuuga for standing strong during this political turbulence.

A section of Mathias Mpuuga’s supporters burst into a song in Luganda loosely translated into English as, “What are they accusing him of? Mpuuga did not steal.” This was shortly after the Thanksgiving mass held at Kitovu Sports Arena in Masaka.

The Friday Thanksgiving mass was presided over by Msgr John Baptist Ssebayiga who represented the Masaka bishop Severus Jumba and graced by Micro Finance Minister Haruna Kasolo, Bugiri Municipality MP Asuman Basalirwa.

Other political guests at the function included former presidential aspirant, Joseph Kiiza Kabuleta and Conservative Party (CP) leader John Ken Lukyamuzi, and MPs including Dr Abed Bwanika (Kimaanya Kabonera), and Joyce Bagala (Mityana Woman MP) among others alongside officials from Buganda kingdom and Mpuuga’s supporters.

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