
Lira headteacher commits suicide by hanging

Police in Lira City West Division are investigating circumstances under which a 43-year-old headteacher of Okio Primary School, Aromo Sub-county, ended his life in the wee hours of Monday morning.

Umar Shadick, a headteacher of Okio Primary School in Aromo Sub-County, Lira District and a resident of Anai Agali cell Lira-City, allegedly committed suicide by hanging in the wee hours of Monday morning over yet to be known reasons.

According to preliminary findings, it is alleged that at around 01 am, Shadick who was sleeping in his house and the wife only identified as Sharafina, allegedly came out of the house for a short call but never returned until around 07 am when by his son, Kenneth Ashoborora found hin hanging dead on a mango tree few meters away from his house.

North Kyoga Regional Police Spokesperson, SP Patrick Jimmy Okema confirmed the incident and said that police have already started investigations into the matter.

“A team of police officers from Lira City West Division Police responded to the scene led by in-charge homicide together with other police officers. The body of the deceased was picked and conveyed to Lira Regional Referral Hospital’s mortuary pending postmortem,” he said.

According to the North Kyoga police mouthpiece, the case has been registered at Rukungiri Central Police Station as investigations into the matter continue. He called for calmness from the relatives and asked them to be patient and wait for a postmortem report which will later give police the next course of action.

“But we are interested in understanding what happened exactly after getting a postmortem report. We call for calmness from the relatives and ask them to be patient and wait for a postmortem report which will later give us the next course of action,” he stated.

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