How Namyalo’s efforts have successfully influenced Ugandans to vote for Museveni come 2026

By Kyeswa Hakim

Politics is all about numbers, where a candidate with a large number is likely to be the winner if they have the capacity to convert those numbers into votes. Due to this fact, people tend to prefer following a candidate with a large following, as they feel they are on the side of the majority.

In the 2021 Election in Uganda, the trend was changed by COVID-19 and we witnessed ‘scientific campaigns,’ where candidates were unable to hold large campaign gatherings. This had an impact on the support for the NRM party, as some young people thought it was weak since its candidate, Yoweri Museveni, followed the Electoral Commission guidelines and did not gather large crowds.

Recently, we have seen a significant increase in the number of young people participating in SPA Hadijah Namyalo’s activities. This is likely to motivate those who believed that Museveni was not popular due to his scientific campaigns.

It is important to note that in the 2021 Elections, Bobi Wine, the runner-up, intentionally disregarded COVID-19 guidelines and chose to hold political rallies. This made the youth, who were 15 years old then and will be eligible to vote in 2026, believe that he was more popular than Museveni.

These are the same youth who are now being motivated by Hajat Hadijah Namyalo, as she mobilizes them for her activities. The recent event organized by Namyalo in Entebbe on 27th June attracted more than 50,000 young people, clearly indicating that these first-time voters are now willing to vote for President Museveni, convinced by Namyalo that he is still popular.

In conclusion, Namyalo’s current actions are preparing the youth for what is to come in 2026, and with support from NRM leaders, the party is likely to reclaim some areas it lost to the opposition.

Namyalo has successfully put people in a voting mood before 2026, and the youth believe that NRM is the right choice whenever they see such a large gathering mobilized by ONC.

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