
Madi Paramount Chief to rule for seven years in new constitution amendment

The Current Madi Paramount Chief, Lopirigo Stephen Drani Kongoro (Photo/File)

Adjumani, (UG):- In fulfilment of a key fundamental leadership obligation leaders in the Madi sub-region have taken a major gait in the restoration of the Madi Cultural Institution as laid down in the 1995 Constitutions of the Republic of Uganda aware that Madi has lagged for over 60 years.

In a media statement in his office on July 12, 2024, the Moyo District Chairman Mr Anyama Williams who doubles as Chairperson of the West Nile Development Association (WENDA) said “Whereas President Yoweri Museveni recognizes Madi Sub-region some devious characters have decided to become part of our problems’ instead of providing solutions in the restoration of the cultural institution”.

“The journey has been long and the path has been full of thorns which we planted ourselves but it is time to set the pace and move on so that we shall finally achieve the desired goal if history is to judge us fairly,” he said.

Mr Anyama declared that by the end of August 2024, all the legal and official procedures leading to the recognition of Madi Cultural Institution will be accomplished since President Yoweri Museveni wants to meet all the legally recognized heads of cultural Institutions in Uganda in September.

In a recent interview in his office, the Adjumani district chairman Mr.Anyama Ben said the revival of the Madi cultural Institution will enable their subjects to fully realize and achieve the unity that has hindered progressive engagements among leaders and sections of the reformist class”.

“I am quite hopeful the Cultural Institution will help create a trustworthy forum for resolving issues using local solutions and further generate unity among the people in the Madi sub-region. I am in equal measure indebted to MACDEF for offering to volunteer in coming up with the draft constitution for discussion by chiefs and eventual future promulgation,” Mr Anyama observed.

The Obongi County legislator Dr Bhoka George shared that leaders and the populace should understand that culture also develops with the level of technology and the broader development spectrum, he appealed to the Madi communities far and wide to plan extensively for the reformation of the Madi cultural Institution.

At its sitting on July 1, 2024, the clan chiefs in Madi Sub-region on the guidance of officials from MACDEF(Madi Cultural Development Foundation)office Kampala have discussed the draft constitution and managed to resolve all other key articles which were impediments to the restoration of the Institutions;

The Name of the Cultural Institution is, Opi Madi Dri I, and the leader of Madi cultural institution is called Lopirigo the “Motto” is Ama Alu (unity); the colours’ of the flag are Sky-blue, Green and white with the picture of the white cork inserted in the middle.

The reasons for the colours are explained unambiguously as; Sky blue signifying River Nile, green for vegetation or the environment and white for peace that we yearn to ever enjoy.

According to the yet-to-be polished-up and gazetted constitution, the Lopirigo will be elected by the council of chiefs under the following key requirements; He must be a Madi by descent, married, not less than 45 years and not above 75 years old.

A number of chiefs who will make the Electoral College will have to be installed by their respective council of leaders and must have been approved by both the lower or sub-county councils and finally the respective district councils.

The Lopirigo will be elected to serve a non-renewable term of office of 7 years and the seat of Madi Cultural Institution will be in Moyo district but as agreed the two districts will also have semi-palaces where the Lopirigo will be hosted during official office tours of his Institution.

The big question which is lingering in the minds of the right-thinking persons in Madi society is “who will be the Lopirigo of Madi”? Some chiefs have already declared intention vying for the coveted cultural office though the elections road map is still in offing.

Information secured from the insiders in certain chiefdoms indicates that in Adjumani Opi Baker Zackary the clan chief of Palaro has long been harboring interest for the seat, The chief of Pakele Opi Simon Suru-Baru is another potential candidate for the seat and the long-serving interim Lopirigo Opi Drani Stephen Izakare of Palanyua clan wants to retain the seat he had cossetted for over 10 years.

In Moyo district, the young Chief of Rendike Opi Andruvu Denis Toloko who was rumoured to be nursing interest for the coveted office, faces automatic elimination as he is yet struggling to attain the constitutional cut-off age requirement of 45 years and his marital status remains questionable.

And Opi Avuku Simon Kutulungu the VIII of Metu Li is the only qualified candidate from Moyo district and currently, no chief in Obongi qualifies to contest since the district council has not approved any chief.

The Adjumani district council has approved 12 clan chiefs and the Moyo district council has blessed 8 clan chief while the Obongi district council is still hibernating even when the three prominent clans of Palorinya, Reli and Gimara have traced their chiefs.

The BOARD Chairman MACDEF Mr. Victor Bua said there will be clear rules and regulations guiding the electoral process to ensure open, fair and cogent elections.

MACDF voluntarily committed to guide in the constitution-making process including footing all related service bills and providing technical guidance until such a time when the Madi Cultural Institution is in operation.

It has been resolved behind curtains that the elections of the cultural institution will be held in Moyo district at a venue yet to be announced and the Madi sub-region joint council meeting will be convened on the same day and location so that after the elections is concluded it will bless or approve the Lopirigo of Madi and the instruments’ of power pending formalization by the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development (GLSD)

The Madi ethnic group like most of the tribes in North and Eastern Uganda were politically organized under chiefdoms with the chiefs reigning supreme and their thrones ascended to hereditary or inbred. The Chiefdoms with superior military strength were outstanding and even resisted the colonial administration, unfortunately, they had to face the cruel, inhumane and raucous wrath of the British colonial masters.

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