
National Youth Leader Alumai Edward joins Adjumani East MP race

Adjumani, (UG):- As the runup to the 2026 general elections heats, the latest aspirant to declare intentions for the Adjumani East County Member of Parliament seat in Adjumani district is Mr Alumai Edward Eddins.

Alumai, a National youth leader who boasts of extensive experience in National and international politics, joins two other aspirants former MP Dulu Angel Mark the pioneer MP for Adjumani East and Mr Dhama Ori Mori an Aid worker in South Sudan.

On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, Mr Alumai who was beaming with ecstasy and courage called for a press briefing at Ruyo Guest in Adjumani Town and declared his intention to challenge for the parliamentary seat come 2024, elections.

Below is the full press statement.

“On this favorable and promising day, I am delighted for this prospect and audacity of addressing you my fellow citizens in Adjumani East Constituency. My name is Alumai Edward Eddins. I am your son, born and raised in Dzaipi Central Village. Mgbere Parish, Dzaipi Sub-County, Adjumani East County.

 I am a member of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party and National Youth Leader serving as the Secretary for External Relations in the Council Executive Committee of the National Youth Council.

After an expressive and objective consultation, besides, based on personal decision i want to confirm and declare to you, that I have accepted your request to represent the People of Adjumani East County in the 12th Parliament of The Republic of Uganda. 

We have interfaced in our homes, farms, markets, trading centers and many other social and business centers within the constituency. I must confirm that I am humbled and energized by your commitment for change in leadership of Adjumani East County inspired by the vision of a united, prosperous and peaceful constituency. 

The long drawn land conflict in Apaa that has claimed scores of innocent lives and billions worth of properties destroyed and lost needs fresh brainpowers to strategically devise enabling solutions, since the area constitutes almost half of the arable land of entire land area Adjumani, the very council of Adjumani who wisely offered the land to UWA (Uganda Wild Life Authority) in 2002, for conservation has the same constitutional mandate to withdraw should the status quo persist.

I have heard your cries and seen your tears. “It’s very unfortunate that a section of our population continues to live every day in fear of attack by fellow citizens of Uganda because of land conflicts. The Pride of our Land”.

The Apaa land conflict cannot be discussed or handled in isolation with Zoka Forest which is on the verge of total depletion and the extinction of some rare animal species like flying squirrels and many other nature species which if farsightedly conserved could be imminent gold mine in terms of tourism attraction.

The direction of the fight in Apaa should accordingly be reformed and tailored since all the other approaches could not convince President Yoweri Museveni who opted for a Commission of Inquiry.

The agitators of land fragmentation and sectarianism based on tribes and clans have been at the center of insecurity in our constituency. It’s possible to defeat them once we embrace love for each other and the country because contemporary politics is premised on ideology and accumulation of wealth but not identity.   

It is well documented and fresh in our memories that some of the political antagonists employed primitive and sectarian strategy based on unfounded and unjustifiable political groupings which is politically poisonous, though the framers of the strategy succeeded such a move is selfish with no long-term achievement in the civilized democratic world. 

I want to appeal to the young people to this time round change and first do candidates benefit analysis because a lot of value is attached to them(Youth) during campaign season and once the purpose is achieved they become irrelevant and needy and stigmatized as lazy and indiscipline.

Our leaders have for long employed politics of obscurantism and division so that we cannot unite for a common interest as exhibited during 2021 elections where we were drawn into two distinct camps and the result is a huge predicament, this obviously means trust and believe has earned our dilemma and I now caution you against siding with such bankrupt political dogma.

We recall this mistake in our leadership with pain, yet should not be over taken by anger. For all our brothers and sisters who have enabled bad leaders to thrive, it is now time to go back to political boardroom and ensure we elect leaders who will not indulge in primitive accumulation of wealth and develop their own families and those with close ties.

Leadership ideally is sacrifice for development which must manifest in the house holds especially through the equitable spread of government programs but in Adjumani East County tangible house hold developments cannot be traced because of negligence and poor oversight duties.

Do we know how several government programs like; Women Entrepreneurship Program, Youth Livelihood Program (YLP), Emyoga, DRDIP, Parish Development Model (PDM) Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) and the elaborate NGOs have been distributed and impacted on real households’ developments? 

I would want to impress upon the voters in Adjumani East to secure their livelihoods and improve on their general well-being by electing me as the MP, because already am a National leader who understands the intricacies of government, have sufficient lobbying skills, can cause parliament to discuss and resolve on burning issues affecting Adjumani East, share our problems with relevant government authorities especially the executive. “Together we can determine our destiny and enjoy the fruits of casting our votes wisely.

God bless you.
For God and my Country.
Alumai Edward Eddins
Aspiring Candidate, Adjumani East Member of Parliament (2026-2031)

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