
KAMULI: Mothers of cerebral palsy children get relief aid from Local NGOs

Kamuli, (UG):- Mothers of children suffering from cerebral palsy in Bulopa and Namwendwa sub-county Kamuli district have been empowered with money which will help them to take care of their children.

Cerebral palsy or paralysis of the brain happens to children when the mother is pregnant, it can happen during birth and also after birth. When the child is suffering from cerebral palsy the mother cannot work instead of taking care of her children and most of the time these children are marginalised.

In this case, Katalemwa Cheshire Home an organisation which rehabilitates children with disabilities between the ages of zero to 18 years in partnership with 100 Weeks has launched a project to help mothers support their children.

This project will run for two years where mothers shall be given money worth 32000 Ugandan shillings per week.

Ms Catherine Tabigirwa project manager of 100 Weeks told DailyExpress that during this period mothers will be trained on how to save money and business skills. “We shall train these mothers how to use this money by giving them business skills and teaching them the saving culture such that they cater for their children,” she said.

Mr Herbert Tumuhirwe executive director of Katalemwa Cheshire Home said that they have identified  76 homes which are going to benefit from this project to improve the lives of families of children with disability and at the end of the 100 weeks each family would get three million two hundred shillings (3200000).

“We offer 8 euros, this translated into Uganda shillings is 32000 per week for the rest of the 100 weeks. This money is meant to improve the lives of the families of children with disability” he said, before urging the beneficiaries to put this money to proper use.

Mr Cornelius Kalema the assistant Chief Administration Officer(CAO) of Kamuli district who launched this project at Bukuutu Village in Bulopa sub-county Kamuli district on Thursday thanked Katalemwa Cheshire Home for the efforts put in to rehabilitate the disabled children and asked the beneficiaries to make sure they benefit from this project.

“As the district, we thank Katalemwa Cheshire Home for the support because they gaping up to help these needy children. I would also argue the beneficiaries not to waste this money”; said Kalema 

Turyangumawe Erina one of the beneficiaries from Namwendwa said that they have difficulty supporting children with cerebral palsy and these children are marginalised however now they are relieved after receiving aid from Katalemwa Cheshire Home and other partners.

“Our children are marginalised but now after receiving this money we shall be able to support our children and help them to grow,” she said.

Katalemwa Cheshire Home also constructed the house for Nabirye Ajilah one of the beneficiaries and a widow who was homeless but taking care of her son who has suffered from cerebral palsy for the past fifteen years.

According to Dr Olive Nabiryo Head of the medical section at Katalemwa Cheshire Home, Cerebral palsy is caused by delayed labour, pregnant women taking alcohol and drugs, lack of enough oxygen at birth, malaria and other conditions like epilepsy.

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