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Phobia engulfs Member of Parliament during plenary session, fails to submit speech

Toroma County MP Koluo Joseph Andrew Speaking at an event recently (Photo/file)

Kampala, (UG):- In a shocking turn of events, a Member of Parliament (MP) for Toroma County, Hon Koluo Joseph Andrew was overcome with a sudden onset of phobia while submitting a speech on the floor of parliament.

The incident left colleagues and onlookers stunned, sparking concerns about the characters and behaviours of elected officials.

The MP, who had legitimate points regarding matters of national importance (including disastrous storm that attacked his constituency killing livestock and destroying crops), began to exhibit visible signs of distress while addressing the house.

Initially, it seemed like a case of nerves or stage fright, but as the MP’s speech progressed, their body language and tone suggested something more severe was unfolding.

“I was taken aback when I saw Hon Koluo Joseph Andrew start to shake and stumble over his words,” said an onlooker. “At first, I thought it was just a minor slip-up, but then I realized something was seriously wrong.”

As the MP struggled to continue his submission, it became apparent that he was experiencing a full-blown phobic episode. His voice trembled, and he appeared disoriented, unable to focus on the task at hand.

The Speaker of the House promptly intervened, suspending proceedings to allow the MP to compose himself. Colleagues rallied around the affected member, offering support and words of encouragement.

He was later ushered in front to table his concerns and prayers, which included district reports about the storm, New Vision newspaper of July 10th 2024 with photos of the affected areas and prayers seeking compensation of his constituents since they’d used Parish Development Money (PDM) to buy livestock and seedlings to the speakers desk to be captured on the Hansard

In the aftermath, Hon Koluo was praised for his courage in seeking help and speaking out about his struggles to speak on the floor. The incident serves as a poignant reminder that Toroma needs seasoned politicians to represent them in the August house.

As one parliamentary colleague aptly put it, “We must work to create a culture where our elected officials feel comfortable seeking help without fear of judgment or repercussions. it’s time we take it seriously.

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