
Sustainable Climate Impact Fund to install Safe water points in Greater Masaka districts

Minister Aisha Sekindi (in brown jacket) with Sustainable Climate Impact Fund (SCIF) officials and district leaders from Greater Masaka after the Seminar on Wednesday, July 24, at Maple Leaf Hotel in Masaka City (Photo/Handout)

Masaka, (UG): The Sustainable Climate Impact Fund (SCIF), a pioneering social enterprise that collaborates with vulnerable communities to the adverse effects of climate change has revealed plans of helping the Kalungu and Lyantonde districts with Safe water points including boreholes and solar-powered water points through its Safe Water project.

This was revealed during the high-level seminar on climate action held today, Wednesday, July 24, at Maple Leaf Hotel in Masaka where SCIF officials stressed the importance of addressing the climate-health nexus in the country.

Speaking to the media after the seminar, the Minister of State for Water Hon. Aisha Sekindi who was the Guest of Honour at the function said after carrying out research in the nine districts of Greater Masaka, the SCIF officials came up with two; Lyantonde and Kalungu which they found to be grappling with water scarcity.

“Today, they (SCIF) were giving awareness to the leadership of both Kalungu and Lyantonde so that they can also take the information in the community so that people can stop degrading our environment by assisting them with some boreholes,” Minister Sekindi said, adding that “some of these boreholes are going to be production well where they will install solar energy systems and extend water points using pipes.”

Minister Sekindi Aisha addressing the media in Masaka

The Minister also explained that SCIF will in some areas rehabilitate existing water sources already established by the government lacking maintenance and rehabilitation.

“We are so grateful to SCIF and Water Aid Uganda for what they are going to do for our communities,” Hon Sekindi remarked.

SCIF Operations Director Ola Bankole who presented about the organization’s work on climate change mitigation in Uganda said they are delighted that “our SCIF Safe Water project is changing people’s lives for the better.”

“We know from health centres that cases of waterborne diseases have reduced where SCIF has refurbished boreholes, we know women have been able to grow their businesses because they spend less time fetching water and children no longer miss out on school because safe water points have been installed close to home. Through SCIF, some of the aims of sustainable development are being realised.”

Uganda Virus Institute’s Unit Representative, Ms Monica Badaru in her remarks said in verbatim: “Today we are thrilled to take our partnership with the Sustainable Climate Impact Fund and communities in Lyantonde and Kalungu to the next level.”

“We are eager to learn about the progress made by the SCIF’s safe water project, in contributing to increased access to safe water for communities in Kalungu and Lyantonde districts, and contributing to global efforts to slow down climate change,” she added.

Minister Sekindi (in brown jacket) with SCIF officials and district leaders in Greater Masaka after the Wednesday Seminar

John Starmer, Estates Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said on his behalf: “Climate change poses a global challenge that requires immediate action. We are committed to implementing more climate-friendly projects in Uganda. We want to continue working hand in hand with communities and government institutions toward healthier, more resilient communities and protecting our natural environment and resources.”

The Sustainable Climate Impact Fund (SCIF) is a pioneering social enterprise aiming to improve the health and well-being of communities affected by climate change and create socio-economic opportunities, especially for women.

In execution of its work, SCIF refurbishes water points that have been non-functional due to disrepair, and currently harbour several health risks to surrounding communities. All installed by the organization boreholes are accompanied by community hygiene education programmes implemented by WaterAid Uganda, and environmental conservation messages.

About the Safe Water Project:

SCIF carried out an extensive project scoping exercise in select districts within Uganda to understand the key issues facing communities and the kinds of project interventions that would be best suited to address them. In 2023/2024 SCIF, in partnership with its implementing partner WaterAid Uganda, started refurbishing defunct boreholes across Kalungu and Lyantonde districts.

Operations are now expanding with an additional 43 water points being installed, a total of 23 in Kalungu districts and 20 in Lyantonde, including a solar-powered motorized unit in Kalungu. The SCIF Safe Water projects have been assessed to address seven Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1,3,5,6,8,13,15) and will contribute to Uganda’s aim to have safe and affordable drinking water and improved sanitation for all by 2030.

The refurbishment and installation of boreholes greatly enhance access to clean water, thereby reducing waterborne diseases and diarrhoea, while improving air quality and related health outcomes.

By eliminating the need for boiling water, the project also contributes to emissions reduction, mitigating the effects of climate change. The community hygiene education programs, led by WaterAid Uganda accompany each installed borehole.

SCIF is a subsidiary of the renowned global health institution, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the parent organisation of The Medical Research

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