
Mid-Western Uganda SDA field office complex takes shape

By Mukonyezi Steven K Akiiki 

Fort Portal, (UG):- In the wake of an image change of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in mid-western Uganda, the church administration embarked on the construction of a mega office complex which will match the standards of Fort Portal as a city and also give glory to God’s name.

As an organized church, the SDA Church in MWUF has drawn a plan to improve its image to impact the members of the church and the communities around which church buildings are.

The office complex construction was commissioned by the SDA Church president of East Central Africa Division Dr. Pr. Blasious Ruguri on the 30th of May, 2021 in Fort Portal Tourism City. This day drew thousands of Christians in the SDA faith from Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Kyegegwa, Kabarole and Bunyangabu districts to witness the commissioning of this important project.

The president (Bishop) of the SDA Church in Mid-Western Uganda Field Pr. Rusoke Richard Amooti says that this project will be a centre of influence for the glory of God’s name and it will contribute to the accomplishment of God’s work.

Construction of Mid-Western Uganda Field office complex takes shape

Relatedly, Home-Coming efforts(crusades) have been conducted and others are still ongoing not only in Fort Portal but also in the whole country and world at large.

These crusades are a fulfilment of Mark 16:15-16…..”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” 16 “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Many people have been added to the church of God through baptism.

The baptizing of many people across the country after these crusades is a manifestation of continued commitment to spreading God’s word to the world and church growth.

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