
Lango reacts to Museveni’s 4-acre Model for socio-economic transformation

Lango Region, (UG):- There is a mixed reaction among some people in the Lango subregion towards President Yoweri K. Mseveni’s appeals for social-economic transformation through wealth creation in the four sectors of Commercial Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services and ICT.

On 20th July, 2024 president said the strategic goal is to make every adult Ugandan of working age, join one of these sectors, either as an owner or as an employee.

“Coming to the issue of jobs, I must ask you the question, where are the jobs to be found? The big number of jobs is to be found in the four sectors, commercial agriculture, manufacturing and entrepreneurship, services and ICT,” Museveni said.

President Museveni said the manufacturing sector is now exporting goods worth USD 2.5 billion per annum and employing 922,998 people while ICT is employing 40,972 people.

However, some people who spoke to DailyExpress have diverse views.
Ezekiel Awira, the LCIII Chairman of Akalo Town Council, Kole District said for the President’s message to adopt a 4-acre model is only possible in his area when the mindset of people toward work is dealt with first.  

“It is possible especially in my area since we have vast land. The problem that I noticed is that farming at such a level requires money but Commercial banks who should have been of help charge high interest rates that do not favour beginners,” Awira said.

He adds that “In order for it to succeed, the government has to put in more money in the agricultural sector because it is one sector that can boost the economy rapidly”. Awira stressed that the other stumbling block for commercial Agriculture is laziness.

On wetland degradation, Awira implored wetland encroachers to stop since the president had repeatedly warned culprits to freely leave.

Former Uganda’s envoy to Pretoria and UK, Ambassador Moto Julius Peter said President’s Statement on wealth creation started around 2006 to 2008 and that those who have listened and put into practice are reaping positive outcomes.

Brig. Gen. Bosco Omure, the operation wealth creation coordinator for Lango sub-region testify to this publication that he gets over 20 million shillings per year. He attributed all this to sticking to high-value crops.

‘’Tell your people to go for high-value crops because of land space. If you go to my home, I get about 20m from the coffee but this message is for you people, wake up and then go and start it now because once you have a 4-acre model you are a rich man,’’ Omure said.

But Morris Christ Ongom, the chairperson chamber of commerce for Lira City said the government needs to improve infrastructure like roads must be open everywhere where for easy transportation of goods.

“If I’m driving to Ogur to pick 30 metric tons or 20 metric tons using a trailer from a cooperative can I drive there, there is a lot of work to be done by the government apart from promises we are going to do this we are going to do that,” Ongom said.

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