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Isaac Ssemakadde and the journey to Uganda Law Society Presidency

Human rights activist and lawyer, Isaac Ssemakadde (centre) is the new Uganda law Society President (Photo/File)

Kampala, (UG):- Maverick City lawyer and human rights activist, Isaac Kimaze Ssemakadde was Saturday declared as the winner of the Uganda Law Society (ULS) Presidential elections after trouncing his opponent Isaac Atukunda by a huge margin on the evening.

Popularly known as the ‘Legal Rebel’, Ssemakadde polled a total of 2101 votes to emerge victorious, while Atukunda received 898 votes in the tense Saturday election held at Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala.

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AS ULS President, Ssemakadde now replaces Bernard Oundo who concluded his second term on the same evening following the election outcome.

In his victory speech, Ssemakadde, also executive director of Kampala-based rights watchdog Legal Brains Trust, pledged to serve with integrity and tackle moral bankruptcy within the judiciary

“We are at a point where advocates shy away from everything and they even promote shyness as a value or virtue. But now we are back on track. Ssemakadde and the executive he leads have one client now, which is the bar. Call me at 3 am and report the dimwits, rotten tomatoes and the dead wood,” he said.

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“This victory belongs to all of us – each member who believes in the strength of our collective voice, the power of justice, and the importance of unity in our legal fraternity.”

Mr Ssemakadde who is known for being assertive and outspoken also promised to tackle unemployment, corruption and inequality that has marred the justice system in Uganda. 

“These people told me they brought problems to you and you were a sissy, that’s your legacy,” he gestured to the outgoing president, Mr Oundo.

Mr Robert Mwanje, a lawyer and one of Ssemakadde’s friends, described him as a brilliant grounded learned colleague. “He is an assertive brilliant person. If he wants something, he will go for it and what he stands for, he will always do his best to achieve it. So it’s not a surprise that he has really won the election,” Mwanje said.

Road to ULS Presidency

During his countrywide tours and campaigns, Ssemakadde, known for his fearless and unconventional approach to defending justice and equality, vowed to champion structural reforms at ULS.

He received several endorsements from high-profile lawyers including retired Justice Prof George Kanyeihamba who publicly said; “there is no one that can defeat Ssemakadde in the ULS presidential race”.

“I am so happy that when the President-elect. I call him elect because I don’t think anybody can beat him heard that I was not well, he made an effort, broke his campaign trail to come and see me,” Prof Kayeihamba said, urging those who believe in him and in his policies to vote for Ssemakadde.

“I have no contestation whatsoever in endorsing the candidature of the person who is sitting next to me as a presidential candidate for the presidency of the Uganda Law Society,” he said.

EALA representative, Hon Fred Mukasa Mbidde who is also a lweyer on Friday endorsed Ssemakadde saying his ability to execute tasks is unmatched.

Mbidde was joined by Makerere University law lecturer Dr. Busingye Kabumba who also threw his weight behind the maverick lawyer. “I have no doubt that if we elect Ssemakadde as ULS President, we might probably come to regret it. At the same time, I am equally convinced that, if we do not elect him as ULS President on 28th September 2024, we shall most definitely regret it,” Dr Kabumba said.

Profile Background

Isaac Ssemakadde is the executive director of the Legal Brains Trust, a public interest law firm based in Kampala, Uganda. He earned the legal rebel name from his rebellious nature and non-conformity with things he believes are unjust in society. 

Mr Ssemakadde is also known for his use of colourful language that he uses to put his point across and has directly spoken to power including key figures like the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Justice Jane Frances Abodo and Justice Musa Ssekaana among others. 

He has also represented notable citizens over the years, including exiled poet and renowned researcher, Dr Stella Nyanzi in 2019 and former Kyambogo University Vice Chancellor, Prof Isaiah Omoro Ndiege who had been wrongfully sacked by the university administration.

In 2023, he also contributed to the nullification of sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act of 2016.

Despite his continued activism against injustices as a result of governance gaps and respect for the rule of law, he has equally faced criticism regarding his free-style way of life.

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