
Serving God wholeheartedly has no regrets:- The inspirational story of late Pastor Mujungu Kahiigwa

By Mukonyezi Steven Akiiki 

One important thing a human being ought to live with is knowing God because it is He who created the whole universe and all that is in it. Good service to God has many rewards including inheriting the kingdom of heaven. As people go through many tribulations, religious leaders have a role to play in comforting the faithful by giving them hope and preparing them for eternity.

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In Isandara village, Butiiti sub-county, Kyenjojo district, in a humble family, a boy was born to a father who did not believe in God and a staunch catholic mother. Stephen Mujungu Kahiigwa Akiiki would later on find himself at his brother Sepiriya Kahiigwa’s home. His brother educated him till he was able do something for himself. His turning point was when he joined Bugema Adventist Missionary College from where he graduated in theology. He also acquired a Master’s degree in theology at Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

His humble beginnings prepared him for great heights of success. He was so committed to service that he could give a lot of time to visiting the sick, writing articles about a Christ-like life, composing and translating new Seventh-Day Adventist hymns in Rutooro version and always researching about the bible in bible commentaries.

There are some lessons which can be drawn from his life, 11 years on from his death. From his complicated religious environment of a non-religious father, a staunch Catholic mother and an Anglican brother who took him in after the separation of his parents, you can realize that him serving God was a good thing to pick out from his life. His life completely changed when he took on church service. He grew from strength to strength. He always gave testimonies about having served God for almost half of his life.

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He loved doing charitable works all his life. He used to make fundraisings and drives for items to give prisoners, notably at Nyamushekera government prison in Bushenyi district and many other areas in Fort Portal, Kyenjojo and many other places. He always greeted and prayed for people he met even along roads, an act which drew many to Christ. Such actions were sermons to many people with whom he interacted. To show an example of giving, he could even start with whatever he had at moment. 

Love and compassion for the unprivileged and those in bad situations should help someone out there to be supportive to others. Imagine if your situation changed, would you really wish to be deserted? The bible says in Matthew 25:40, The king shall answer and say to them,” I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for me.”   

In helping others like he was helped by his brother, he was inviting blessings upon himself, family and all other people God created. Survived by four children, his pastoral ministry has been taken on by Pastor Talemwa Samuel Adyeeri who is currently serving at Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Kasiisi in Fort Portal City. His writing and being an educationist have been taken on by the last-born M Stephen Kahiigwa Akiiki, music taken by Murungi Loy Abwooli and Mbabazi Lydia Atwooki being another humble servant of God. 

Through Pastor Kahiigwa’s dedicated service to God, all his efforts have evolved through all his children. This is a lesson to every parent that doing good has rewards. You can never help in vain. God sees your compassion to others and blesses you through many ways like his children have been blessed.

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