Truth and Reality; Service above Self

By Mukonyezi Steven Akiiki 

Politics has been branded by many as a dirty game because of how politicians cleave their way to different positions of leadership. It has always made people think that joining it is a death penalty because many friends are created as well as enemies and some people have lost their lives. The manner in which some politicians behave during the election season makes people think that insulting the other is a pre-requisite to being on top of the game. Lies and truth are most of the time packaged together to make a full-political package for the season.

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The question which lingers in people’s minds is, ’ Should truth and reality be an ingredient to having good political careers or atmospheres?’ Some people can argue ‘Yes’ but others will say that it is an automatic capitalized ‘No.’

Making a random sampling of your local area leader, has he/she delivered services as promised? It should be noted that many things are always easier said than done. There are leaders who have been entrusted with responsibilities to give direction to others, they have been in leadership positions for long, have promised a lot, but the percentage of what has been promised is far bigger than what has been done. When you look at all these things, whom do you think is to blame? Are they the leaders or the electorates? You must have an opinion based on either facts or not.

When someone is elected based on his/her religion, colour, tribe or clan, financial status, family, friendship or because of some items he/she gave you, do all those positively make him a good leader worth representing others? How about a good orator who thrills crowds? This shows that there are very many ways people have been making choices, and these choices have impacted on their development either positively or negatively.

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An important question that should be looked into is, ’do the electorates need or deserve being told truth and reality to give you their support, or they just need to be emotionally thrilled with imaginations of promises? The electorates deserve better than being made to imagine impossibilities. Leaders should take it upon themselves to make life-long impacts on the people who elect them. After all, when a term in office ends, you the leader have to go back and mingle with the local population.

 If you were a kind of leader who always cared about yourself and forgot to improve the lives of the people who entrusted you with the responsibility to lead them, you may have to pay a bigger price than shame, tarnished reputation, value or even loss friends and trust. Service to the people should be above serving self because the good services you give to the people when you are in a position of leadership are the same services you can be given when you are no longer in those positions.

Hon. Kamakerere Agatha, Aheebwa Ronald and Kabeeri Monica of Kyenjojo Town Council say that the people should be told things which can be done for them in their simplicity and let them be realistic. Let the people imagine them in reality other than telling them what they cannot visualize.

‘Truth and Reality-Service above Self’ For God and My Country Uganda!

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