The coming of Salim Uhuru as Kampala Lord Mayor will end the blame game

By Edgar Barigye Kugonza

As an avid listener, I have made it a habit to engage with people from all walks of life during my travels. By doing so, I have gained invaluable insights from nearly 125 districts across Uganda, fostering a deeper understanding of the country’s diverse perspectives.

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Recently, as I travelled to Mityana to check on one of our Pamoja members who was not feeling well, a sudden rainstorm forced my boda boda rider to seek shelter at a nearby petrol station. There, I overheard a lively discussion among fellow travellers and boda boda riders about the pressing issues affecting Kampala, including the Kiteezi garbage problem and the city’s leadership. The conversation eventually transitioned to the Lord Mayor’s role, highlighting the pressing concerns of Kampala’s residents and the need for effective governance.

“…the power struggle between the Lord Mayor’s office and the Central government stifles growth and development,” said one of the passengers who looked to be living abroad. Omusajja ayagala nnyo kusika omiguwa! “By constantly pulling ropes, the Lord Mayor may gain popularity among city dwellers, but ultimately, it’s the residents who suffer from inadequate services. This prioritizes politics over progress. “Look at cities like London, where the Lord Mayor works with the central government to promote the city’s interests and support key industries. Why can’t we have that here? The lack of cooperation in Kampala leads to missed opportunities and delayed development projects. It’s time for our leaders to put aside their differences and work towards a common goal.” 

That unexpected encounter left me pondering the future of Kampala, a city plagued by numerous infrastructural challenges. The daily commute is a testament to this: shameful potholes between Nateete junction and Busega, and indeed across the city, are a constant source of frustration. The sagging net-like wires on almost every city building, open manholes along roads, knocked-off pavements, and continuous digging of properly tarmac roads by telecom companies are eyesores. The littered streets like the garbage heap along Kafumbe Mukasa road and that in front of St.Balikuddembe Market, poorly planned gardens, and overflowing drainage systems are all a clear indication that that Kampala cries out for transformative leadership.

As elections draw near, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) bears the responsibility of guiding voters toward the right choice in 2026, one that will end this blame game and propel Kampala toward prosperity. This is because by embracing NRM’s core principles of patriotism, pan-Africanism, socio-economic transformation, and democracy, Kampala can unlock its potential, ensuring infrastructure, public health, and economic empowerment align with residents’ needs.

Last week as I sipped my daily coffee and scanned the daily newspaper, a headline caught my eye – Mr. Uhuru was throwing his hat into the ring for the Lord Mayor seat! This was welcome news, especially considering the NRM party’s history of fielding weak candidates, which had handed the opposition an easy advantage. However with a formidable leader like Mr. Uhuru in the running, voters would finally have a solid choice to make. His entry into the race automatically promises a thrilling contest, and I can’t wait because I am already feeling optimistic about the prospect of a competent and visionary leader taking the reins. Perhaps this marks a turning point for our NRM party, which had been strategizing to bolster its position in upcoming elections. One thing I am certain – Kampala’s residents and entire business community will benefit from NRM visionary leadership.

Mr. Uhuru’s affiliation with the NRM is significant, as he aligns with the party’s core principles: Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Socio-economic Transformation, and Democracy. These principles aim to foster prosperity among Ugandans and promote economic growth. By embracing these values, Mr. Uhuru has already demonstrated his commitment to the well-being of Kampala’s citizens.

As an NRM die-hard, I am eager to see my party lead Kampala City and take ownership of service delivery. With Mr. Uhuru’s potential candidacy, therefore I expect significant improvements in key areas within the first 100 days of NRM leadership in City Hall.

Repairing and maintaining pavements across the city is crucial for enhancing walkability and its beauty. This initiative would not only improve the city’s visual appeal but also promote economic growth by attracting businesses and tourists. Mr. Uhuru should prioritize pavement repairs, ensuring safe and accessible walkways for all citizens. Encouraging owners to pave their verandahs and paint their buildings would boost the city’s visual appeal. This initiative would promote economic growth by enhancing the business environment, attracting customers, and creating jobs. Mr. Uhuru should incentivize business owners to invest in their properties.

Planting trees and flowers, and protecting them from damage, would create a cleaner and healthier environment. This initiative would promote eco-tourism, reduce pollution, and enhance the city’s visual appeal. Mr. Uhuru should establish a green spaces program, engaging citizens in tree-planting and maintenance.

Establishing a shelter with access to medical facilities and education for street dwellers is critical. This initiative would demonstrate NRM’s commitment to social welfare, providing vulnerable citizens with dignity and opportunities. It is not difficult and I don’t know why the office of Lord Mayor has for many years failed to provide this essential service to street dwellers really.  Mr. Uhuru should prioritize street dwellers’ support, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Kampala’s infrastructure desperately needs upgrading. The city’s potholed roads, inadequate public transportation, and overflowing drains hinder economic growth and affect residents’ quality of life. Upgrading and maintaining roads, developing efficient public transportation, ensuring reliable energy and water supply, and implementing effective waste management systems are crucial. In NRM City Hall leadership, for the first time let the tax payers see their taxes at work really.

As an NRM royal cadre, Mr. Uhuru knows very well that improving sanitation, providing clean water, and upgrading healthcare facilities are vital for enhancing public health which President Museveni yearns to see being done in Kampala City. This includes investing in healthcare infrastructure, recruiting more healthcare professionals, and promoting health education. By doing so, Kampala can reduce the burden of diseases and improve residents’ overall well-being.

Economic empowerment is crucial for Kampala’s transformation. Streamlining regulations, providing access to financing, and promoting entrepreneurship can help small businesses and startups thrive. Initiatives like the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program have successfully helped women start small businesses, but more needs to be done to support growth-oriented enterprises.

Community engagement is essential for participatory governance and inclusive development. Establishing open forums, engaging with local leaders, and promoting participatory governance can help Mr. Uhuru understand community needs and priorities. This collaborative approach will ensure that every resident has a voice in shaping Kampala’s future.

Job creation, skills development, and market access are interlinked. Mr Uhuru as a Lord Mayor can foster public-private partnerships to create employment opportunities in key sectors, and establish vocational training programs to equip residents with relevant skills. Improving market infrastructure and providing platforms for local businesses to access regional and international markets can further boost economic growth. By prioritizing these initiatives, Mr. Uhuru can drive socio-economic transformation in Kampala and improve the lives of its residents.

Mr. Uhuru’s leadership can effectively address the issue of thugs making life difficult for Kampala dwellers in his first 100 days as Lord Mayor. In the first 100 days, Mr. Uhuru can actively engage with employees, stakeholders, and residents to understand the root causes of security problem and develop strategies to address it. Maybe some key initiatives Mr. Uhuru can undertake include: Collaborating with local leaders and residents to identify and address security concerns. Upgrading street lighting, roads, and public spaces to reduce crime-prone areas. Providing training and resources to local businesses and entrepreneurs, creating opportunities for youth employment.Strengthening partnerships with government security agencies to enhance law enforcement and justice.

Last but not least, transforming Local Markets into Export Hubs. Transforming City market’s fresh food, fruit, and vegetable local market sellers into exporters requires strategic interventions and Mr. Uhuru can perfectly achieve this. Through his NRM-backed leadership. He can foster value-addition techniques, providing access to financing, technology, and market linkages which will empower entrepreneurs to process, package, and preserve produce for longer shelf life and higher profits. Establishing linkages with export companies, trade associations, and online marketplaces can facilitate entry into the global market. This transformation will boost incomes, improve food security, and contribute to Uganda’s economic growth. Targeted training, infrastructure support, and market facilitation can turn all our city market vendors into thriving exporters, harnessing Uganda’s agricultural sector’s full potential.

So, by prioritizing community engagement, economic empowerment, and infrastructure development, Mr. Uhuru can make a significant impact in his first 100 days as Lord Mayor, setting the tone for a safer, more prosperous Kampala.

My appeal therefore is that Kampala dwellers and the entire business fraternity should, for once, try and see what an NRM Lord Mayor will put on the table for them. There will be no more pulling of ropes between the central government and city authority, and this will ensure peace and harmony, which is a prerequisite for business development. With a unified government, Mr. Uhuru can effectively address the city’s challenges, leveraging NRM’s resources and expertise making all of us wealth makers in our new and beautiful Kampala City.

The writer is CEO Pamoja Communal Empowerment Network / EMAIL: pamojauganda72@gmail,com

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