
Why Uganda needs Lady Justice Faridah Bukirwa Back on the Bench

In a time when Uganda’s judicial system faces mounting pressure to deliver justice swiftly and impartially, one judge has consistently stood out for her exceptional efficiency, fairness, and unwavering commitment to the rule of law—Lady Justice Faridah Bukirwa. Her name resonates in courtrooms and communities alike as a symbol of what our judiciary and society aspire to be: just, fair, and balanced.

Despite her remarkable achievement of closing 1,866 cases in just one year within the Jinja High Court jurisdiction, she now finds herself sidelined—much to the dismay of those who have witnessed her exemplary contributions firsthand.
But this is more than just a judicial issue; it’s a fight for women everywhere.

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As Uganda has made significant strides in women’s empowerment, Justice Bukirwa’s removal raises an uncomfortable question: Is this an attack on the progress women have fought so hard for?

A Track Record of Excellence: A Woman in Leadership

Lady Justice Bukirwa’s remarkable efficiency has allowed hundreds of families to receive long-overdue justice, solidifying her role as a pioneer for women in leadership within Uganda’s judicial system. She is part of a growing movement of women who are breaking barriers and showing that leadership is not defined by gender but by capability, integrity, and commitment.

Her removal, however, sends a conflicting message. How can Uganda, a nation known for promoting women’s participation in key sectors, justify removing one of its finest women leaders? Justice Bukirwa’s sidelining is not just an affront to her personally but to the countless women who look up to her as a beacon of empowerment.

The NRM Government’s Commitment to Women: Is It Fading?

Uganda’s National Resistance Movement (NRM) government has long been lauded for its efforts in empowering women. From increasing female representation in parliament to promoting women into leadership roles, Uganda has been a shining example in Africa. However, by allowing the sidelining of a female judge with such an impressive track record, the government risks undoing years of progress.

As the general elections approach, it is vital for the government to listen to the voices of its citizens, particularly those from the Busoga region. During the Open Day at the launch of the video conferencing system on 17th September 2024, held at Jinja High Court and graced by the Principal Judge, Hon. Dr. Flavian Zeija, the people of Busoga expressed their strong desire for Justice Bukirwa’s reinstatement. Their cries should not go unheard.

A Global Call to Action: Women Stand Together

Justice Bukirwa’s removal is not just a local issue; it resonates with women everywhere. As women in Uganda continue to break ceilings and challenge gender norms, we must rally not just local but global women’s movements. Her removal threatens to undo the gains that women have made not only in Uganda but across Africa and beyond.

This is a time for solidarity. Women from all walks of life—legal professionals, civil society leaders, and citizens—must come together to demand her reinstatement. Globally, women’s rights organizations and female leaders must join the outcry, using platforms like the UN Women, African Women Leaders Network, and other global feminist movements to amplify the call for justice.

The Fight for Judicial Independence and Gender Equality

Justice Bukirwa’s case highlights two battles: The fight for judicial independence and the ongoing fight for gender equality. We cannot have a judiciary that is fair and transparent if its most qualified leaders are removed without clear reason. Similarly, we cannot claim to promote gender equality if women leaders are so easily cast aside. Her reinstatement is not just about one judge—it is about the protection of women in leadership, the credibility of our judiciary, and the future of gender equality in Uganda.

A Call to Action for All Women

This is a call to every woman in Uganda and across the globe: Stand with Justice Bukirwa. Share your support on social media using the hashtag #JusticeForBukirwa. Women’s rights cannot be taken for granted. Justice must prevail, not just for the people in courtrooms but for the women breaking boundaries everywhere.

This fight is bigger than Justice Bukirwa—it is a fight for all women in Uganda who are striving for equality and recognition in their fields. It is a call for fairness, transparency, and above all, the respect and empowerment of women in leadership.

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