
AMURU: LC1s equipped to safeguard widows and orphans against land violence

LC1 Chairpersons training on land registration to prevent violence against widows and orphans in Amuru. Photo/Owen Odong.

By Owen Odong

Amuru, (UG):- In a bid to enhance widows’ and orphans’ rights over land in Northern Uganda, Redeemed International, a Christian-based non-profit organization, has embarked on building the capacity of grassroots leaders to de-escalate the growing trend of land violence.

“We need to learn how to stand for the widows and orphans and help them to have justice over their land against the land grabber,” Counsel Sharon Lamunu, a legal officer of the organisation said addressing a group of over 20 chairpersons LCIs from across Amuru Sub County on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

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According to the legal officer, widows and orphans suffer intimidation from the family members of their deceased husbands which makes them more vulnerable to report cases of land violence. She further blamed the local leaders in Amuru for failing to protect widows and orphans against land grabbers by not guiding them on how to register for customary land titles.

Ms. Concy Akello one of the widows with four children and a resident of Otwee revealed that she was chased together with her children from land immediately after her husband died.

For the past 10 years, after Akello and her children were chased from their marital land, she sought solace with her parents who offered her some piece of land to fend for her children in Otwee Town Council.

 “We are facing problems with orphans. Sensitise our people to stop grabbing land from us (widows) because we have orphans we are looking after and we rely on the land,” she lamented.

In Amuru, a woman’s vulnerability according to the report, originates from the notion under customary law that a woman does not own land in her own right and she only relies on people to validate her claims. The customary tenure made women dependent on their male kin which does not give clear rights over ownership of land to women. The situation is even worse for widows who end up more vulnerable.

The intervention follows a monitoring and evaluation report, 2020-2021 by International Justice Mission dubbed Property Grabbing Attempt/Land Violent which showed a growing 18% among widows and orphans. However, the 2023 report indicated a growing trend from 18% to 22%. Amuru and Gulu led in the statistics.

David Ocira, the LC3 Chairperosn Amuru Sub County confirmed that many widows reported at his office being booted out from the land their deceased husbands left for them, a concern, he said is overwhelming most of the local leaders in Amuru district arguing a robust intervention from stakeholders is expected.

“Widows and orphans are suffering. Many of them have reported to my office because they don’t have someone to speak for them. We need to join hands and support them,” says Ocira.

Under this project Redeemed International is providing support to widows and orphans in Gulu City, Gulu, and Amuru districts following the organization’s assessment pointing to a growing trend of land violence against these marginalized groups of persons. Similar activities are also being implemented in the Arua, Soroti, Mbale, Wakiso, and Hoima City.

 “As long as you have evidence as widows or orphans on the land, our lawyers will help you out till you get justice,” Ms Patience Aber, the organisation’s communication officer encourages the community to come out.

Counsel Lamunu appealed to the leaders whose capacity has been built to help the widows and orphans and the entire local community attain the customary certificate of land registration to safeguard them from speculators and land grabbers.

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