Adjumani, (UG):- Self-help Africa on Saturday held a one-day farmer’s field day celebration at Ofua Central Primary School playground in Ofua Subcounty, thousands of different farmers’ which constituted over thirty-five different farmer’s groups came in attendance.
The project manager, Mrs Gloria Byensi said that this activity is done annually to give accountability to the stakeholders, and farmers and act as a learning activity for the farmers to learn from one another. She requested that the farmers take one idea from their fellow farmers for their groups or as individuals to boost their farming skills.
The female district local counsellor representing Pakele Town Council Hon. Ondoa Korina, who also doubles as the secretary of production and natural resources in Adjumani District lauded the good work done by Self-Help Africa in teaching the farmer groups and encouraged them to continue showing them the light.
Hon Ondoa further noted that farmers in Adjumani should not sit back but rather work hard so that, people from different districts around the country will come to buy foodstuff from Adjumani and the district will develop as well as the farmer’s income will also increase.
“Use your Parish Development Model (PDM) money wisely, invest in agriculture, you will flourish at the end and will get money to change your standards of living”, she said
Hon. Ondoa however warned the farmers not to misuse the Parish Development Model (PDM) money for drinking Alcohol and for buying meat during Christmas but rather invest in productive work that brings profits into their hands.
The self-help beneficiary from Tanijo Farmers VSLA and local seed business group from Awindiri central village, Opi Parish, Ofua sub county Mr Andrumai Ben Edward said they are 55 in the group, of which 35 are women, 20 are men, 8 youths, 4 elderly people and 4 people with disability.
“We established this group in 2006 during the NAADS program and have now lasted for 18 years”, he said, adding; “we plant soybeans, Cassava and so on says Andrumai.”
Andrumai explained how self-help Africa has linked them to many different agribusiness groups like Farmwise, Gracefarm, Omia agribusiness and so on which has helped them in their farm activities, financial institutions, and many more. “We also give out loans to people who come for financial help.”
He further expressed gratitude to Self-help Africa for linking them to Tulima Solar Company which Omia Agrobusiness gave them a full kit of solar panels for free because of the good work their group is doing.
He also thanked the World Food Program for giving them tricycles to do bulking which in turn has eased their work on the farm. “Our vision now is to grow into a cooperative in the near future and they have started the process” said Andrumai.
He added that due to the good work they are doing, WFP and USAID have promised them a tractor and we are to pay 33% of the money to acquire it. “The most affecting challenge we are facing now is lack of store to keep our produce,” he said.
Mr Igama Patrick, the chairman of Uje Limi Youth Farmer’s Association thanked Self-Help Africa for the various support ranging from linking them to financial institutions to getting loans for their groups to do farm activities, bulking, marketing and so on.
“Self Help Africa has also given us rice millers which in turn will serve many people not only in the group but outsiders at the end will bring them money in the group and their standard of living will hence be boosted, Igama noted.
“I request youths not to be idle but should be in groups to benefit in many things which will change and raise their standard of living,” he added.
During the event, best farmer groups were awarded different vouchers based on a set selection criterion that was set prior by the vetting committee which comprised of SHA staff, WFP, OPM, and DLG.
The awards were given in-kind form of tarpaulin, pics bags, and Agro-processing machines, in-kind prizes such as tarpaulins, PICs bags, and Agro-processing machines to the top groups that have significantly boosted job creation and economic empowerment.
About Self-Help Africa
Self Help Africa (SHA) is an Irish-based, International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) implementing rural development, sustainable livelihoods, and food security programmes in nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, SHA has been operational since 1989, which has now lasted for 35 years and is implementing various programmes across all regions of the country.
The organization, with funding from the World Food Programme, is implementing a 14-month project titled “Agriculture Market Support’’ in Adjumani and Kiryandongo districts. The project supports 12,670 smallholder farmers in Adjumani and Kiryandongo districts targeting refugees and host communities in Pakele, Itirikwa, Ofua, Ukusijoni and Ciforo sub-counties and Nyamahasa, Bweyale and Kigumba sub-counties respectively.
The project aims at a sustainable increase in food, nutrition and income security for smallholder farmers, especially women and youths and increased employment opportunities for smallholder farmers. The project goal will be achieved through improved quality of targeted crops, PHM, and food safety, increased demand and supply of Agricultural services, increased pro-smallholder marketing among smallholders and strengthened national and sub-national institutions for pro-smallholder policies and programmes.
The tools given to them will enhance their productivity, enabling them to improve post-harvest handling, reduce losses, and add value to their produce, creating new market opportunities. By equipping them with vital agricultural assets, the awards will not only help them scale their operations but also foster entrepreneurship, allowing them to generate sustainable income and create employment within their communities.
The project is fostering entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic empowerment. By involving private sector partners, the field day aims to build business connections, attract investment, and strengthen market linkages that will further enhance opportunities for youths and women.
The collaboration with stakeholders and the private sector will drive sustainable economic growth and open up new avenues for partnerships that support the long-term development of the farming communities.
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