Kiggundu and his lawyer voiced their dissatisfaction, accusing Karugire of using his relation to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to influence the court’s...
City Businessman Hamis Kiggundu alias Ham has petitioned the Chief Justice of Uganda’s Judiciary Alfonse Owiny-Dollo to intervene in his scandal with...
Kampala Businessman Hamis Kiggundu through his companies Ham Enterprises and Kigs Investments Uganda Limited have filed a Notice of Appeal before Court...
The lawyers representing businessman Hamis Kiggundu in the case against Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) Uganda and Kenya have vowed to appeal the...
KAMPALA | COURT: The Court of Appeal in Kampala has deferred the HAM-DTB case in which City tycoon Hamis Kiggundu accuses Diamond...
The Bank of Uganda has withdrawn from the case in which Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) seeks to overturn a high court ruling...
“DTB continues to struggle with the appeal to ensure something is done but it is public domain knowledge that courts can never...
According to the law, when two parties enter into a contract that is deemed illegal by the court, the parties are neither...