
TANZANIA: Magufuli’s widow Janet critically ill, admitted to hospital

Former Tanzania's First Lady, Janet Magufuli

DAR-ES-SALAM: Janet Magufuli, widow to the late former president of Tanzania John Pombe Magufuli’s is reportedly ill after she suffered a shock just weeks after her husband succumbed to Covid-19.

This was revealed by Joseph, the son of the late Magufuli who on behalf of the family said Janet Magufuli was sick after sustaining the shock of losing her husband.

“She is going on with treatment. She has asked me to convey her appreciation to Tanzanians for their condolences and cooperation immediately after the announcement of Dr. Magufuli’s death until his burial late last month,” said Joseph Magufuli on behalf of the family.

Specifically, he conveyed the family’s appreciation to President Samia and her government, clerics and leaders of defence and security forces for the role they played during the death and burial of the former Head of State.

This was the first time that Magufuli’s son spoke in public having kept a low profile throughout the years when his father was president .

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