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NRM CEC to decide Kadaga’s Fate over party defiance – says Lumumba

The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party secretary general, Ms Justin Kasule Lumumba, has said the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga could face the party disciplinary committee for defying the party position.

On the eve of the Speaker elections, the Central Executive Committee (CEC) fronted Mr Jacob Oulanyah as the party flag bearer and he went on to win the seat, with Anita Among as his deputy. 

Ms Kadaga accused the party of targeting her because of identifying with the ordinary people and stood as an Independent candidate. 

While responding to questions from journalists yesterday at the party secretariat in Kampala, Ms Lumumba said the party will take a stand if the issue is brought  before  CEC for discussion.

“As NRM, we have our constitution where we have the forth schedule which is the code of conduct and there is prohibited behaviour. Part of it is that if you go against party decision, and if anybody raises complaint to the secretary general, it is taken to the disciplinary committee, which is chaired by the first national vice chairperson and there are punishments for those found guilty,” Ms Lumumba said.

“They can caution you, they can propose to CEC to caution you, suspend you or expel you from the party,” she added.

Part of schedule four of the party constitution bars members from campaigning for a candidate sponsored by another political party or organisation, offering material support to a candidate sponsored by another political party or organisation and campaigning against the official party candidate.

Ms Kadaga did not respond to our repeated calls yesterday to offer an explanation on her next course of action. Many of the party members who were on her team did not also respond to our calls.

However, an inside source told this newspaper that President Museveni is already in dialogue with the former Speaker. 

The source said the party chairperson should be given the leeway to engage Ms Kadaga personally and that if he fails, the party organs can take action later.

A number of members we reached out to did not respond to our calls. Capt Mike Mukula, the NRM vice chairperson for eastern region, said he was busy and could not offer his view. Mr Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi, the NRM vice chairperson for Central region,  did not respond to our calls. 

Mr James Tweheyo, the chairperson of the NRM workers’ league and a CEC member, however, said while he was not privy to the agenda for today’s CEC meeting, he was pretty sure that the issue would come up for discussion.

“I am not aware of the agenda for the meeting, but I am certainly sure we shall discuss it and make a stand. What we have always done is that we give the accused party a chance to put up a defence so that we hear their side of the story,” he said.

On the issue of dialogue and reconciliation, Mr Tweheyo said: “We have dealt with the worst case scenarios in the past and reconciled. But that depends on how the issues are handled.”

Ms Lumumba confirmed that CEC will sit today and would discuss the issue and forge a way forward.

What NRM constitution says about indiscipline

Rule 4 of the NRM prohibited conduct.

A member or a leader of NRM shall not:

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• Engage in the formation of cliques or factions within NRM.
• Act as an agent or allow himself or herself to be used to further the interests of any foreign power, political party, organisation or individual.
• Disclose any official information which is not yet intended to be made public.
• Be a source of rumour-mongering.
• Engage in corrupt practices and in particular not use his or her leadership position to acquire any money, property, gift or favour or any benefit for himself or herself.
• Misuse NRM and public property under his or her care or allow their abuse or misuse by any other person under his or her control.
• Engage in the misuse or embezzlement of public funds.
• Consume intoxicants to levels which make him or her appear disorderly in public or which affect performance of duties.
• Use wrong forum in addressing pertinent issues.
• Wilfully, intentionally report or disseminate false and malicious allegations.
• Practice favouritism or nepotism by giving preferential treatment to any personal advantage or gain for himself or herself, that of his or her relation, friend or agent, ethnic grouping or area of origin.
• Use abusive language.
• Campaign for a candidate sponsored by another political party or organisation.
• Offer material support to a candidate sponsored by another political party or organisation.
• Campaign against the official candidate of NRM.
• Knowingly give false information to the disciplinary committee of the party.


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