
Put political differences aside and work together for development – Busoga Premier

PM Dr Lubega addressing Patriots as Minister Nantale Nasabu and MP Kyobe looks on

LUUKA, UGANDA: The First Deputy Prime Minister of Busoga Kingdom Prof Dr. Muhammad Lubega Kisambira has called upon people in Luuka to put aside political differences and concentrate on unity to see a society which with a generation surpassing that of their forefathers.

Dr Lubega was the chief guest on Friday at the launch of Luuka Patriots Association (LUPA), a non-political association aimed at seeing a United community for purposes of solving problems affecting Luuka district with a United force of Patriots. This was at Hawaii International Hotel Kiyunga Central zone, Luuka Town council.

Prof Lubega, who happens to be the patron of the association says that it’s difficult for the association to work without politicians citing that some of them are good Patriots but cautioned Leaders of the association to have limits when involving politics.
”It’s difficult to work without involving politicians because some of them are good Patriots but the issue is where to start from and where to end when dealing with them. We can be Patriots even though we differ in what we support but what has caused Uganda and particularly Luuka to lose focus is that sometimes people fail to separate the two,” Dr Lubega said.

Busoga Premier (With Cap) with the association leadership cutting the Cake

The prime minister refuted allegations that he is targeting a political position in the district, saying that his task is to see a United district with a generation beyond that set by their forefathers despite their political parties where they belong.

”Some people have been asking me, Prof what do you want. The reality is that I want one thing which is to see a United Luuka, I don’t want personal votes but can we set a generation beyond what our fathers put such that we have professors, doctors, engineers, teachers, good farmers amongst our children. You can belong to DP, UPC, NRM, NUP, FDC, etc but strike hard such that there is no reason for you to fight development of Luuka district,” Dr Lubega added.

Busoga Premier (With Cap) launching the association and handing over a copy of aims and objectives to association leadership

The area Member of Parliament Luuka North constituency, Hon Eng. Kyobe Luke Inyensiko, who is one of the association advisers urged all Patriots to work together and face challenging issues in the district by using leaders who can lobby for the association and as well urged them to always check their leaders and advise them appropriately.

”I call upon you to work together and handle the most challenging issues in Luuka such as teenage pregnancies, school dropouts which may result from the long Covid19 lockdown, among others. Let us try to use our leaders who will lobby for us the best and you should as well check us the leaders through advice for Unity and betterment of Luuka,” Eng. Kyobe said.

He (Kyobe), called upon parents to take children back to Schools once the sector starts operation.

However, the Chairperson LUPA, ASP Isanga Richard commended the people of Luuka for embracing the association’s aims and objectives. He says that they are aiming at fight problems which have for many years affected the district, citing low levels of education, teenage pregnancy, school dropouts, among others.
”Luuka Patriots Association started as a WhatsApp group in 2020 and it was an input of four people after detecting need to bring together people in the district who are willing to join efforts for the better. We want to thank God that it is this far and as we launch the association today, it’s an assurance that we’re moving on,” ASP Isanga said.

Some of the people who attended the launch

The launch attracted many people, among others were DPC Luuka, Oese John, OC station Luuka ASP Ocaya Kennedy, deputy RDC Kaliro district who is a born of Luuka, Adonia Mafumo, education minister Busoga kingdom Ms Nantale Nasabu, Luuka district speaker Mr Bikumbi Ronald, Councillors, people from Luuka, among others.

However, the district speaker Bikumbi Ronald reported Luuka district workers to Busoga prime minister that many of them are involving in corruption after failing to manage their duties well. He said that most workers sleep in the neighbouring districts of Luuka which he said has hindered good services.

”Premier I want to report to you that we have a problem in Luuka with district workers, most of them sleep in Iganga and they use government vehicles for transport. We want them to drive their vehicles, park them and use district vehicles in the field and let them park them in the and proceed anywhere with their personal vehicles but not using government vehicles,” Bikumbi said.

He requested the Dr Lubega to use his powers and engage the relevant authorities to solve the matter citing that these are some of the phenomena why Luuka is ranked the second in corruption.
”The chief of Ikumbya Sub county works in Luuka but sleep in Njeru (Buikwe district) and we calculated and found out that he uses 580,000/= monthly, now how much does he earn to spend like this? This is why they are ranking Luuka district second in corruption because such people tries in all ways to raise such money,” Bikumbi emphasized.

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