First Reading, Isaiah 43:16-21
Second Reading, Philippians 3:8-14
Gospel, John 8:1-11
Behold, am doing a new thing; and I will no longer be called a slave but a friend because you have already been saved in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Sometimes we suffer due to wrong directions, immature decisions, immature decisions, and the environment at hand. Our merciful God is assuring us the perfect way. God’s timing is not man’s ad he keeps on reminding us to remain humble and strong in faith.
As he surprised those who brought the adulterous woman, you will also be surprised in your own accord no matter the situation you are in, please cling to him always. Now I the accepted time for you to allow him to use you and walk in his surprises lightly.
In the gospel message, Jesus, again and again, surprised the woman whom everyone thought that she was a great sinner, but Jesus forgives her and encourages her to sin n more. After being forgiven, the woman went home with a load full of calmness and joy.
People will always be surprised when they see you in another life, a changed person and inspiring. Many will actually accuse you of your dilemmas, and mistakes, and even take you to courts of law but our God who is always at our disposal ready to walk with us will never disappoint you, my friend.
As the psalmist said, if God cold mark our iniquities who could survive, but welcomes everyone can’t let us die anyhow. He wants us to convert from our past experiences and encroach on God’s Divine Mercy. Let’s walk the talk of light and God’s grace and mercy. As they walked away one by one beginning with the eldest to the youngest, may your problems walk away from one by one beginning with the biggest to the smallest, may you receive total healing and change for good hence allowing God to be your lampstand in everything you do.
Let us pray
Lord, give me the gift of understanding so that I get to know you more in every person, not judging him or her but helping him to see the light in forgiveness and conversation.
May the Almighty God bless you, Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
BY; Rev Dn. Andrew Ayebazibwe
Kinyamatiska National Seminary
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